Chapter 3A - Reverse edition Flashcards
a country in Western Asia, bordered by Turkey to the north, Iran to the east, Kuwait to the southeast, Saudi Arabia to the south, Jordan to the southwest, Syria to the west.
a way out
/ˌweɪ ˈaʊt/
- She was in a mess and could see no way out.*
- She had taken the easy way out by returning the keys without a message.*
what allows sb. to escape from a difficult situation
to deter
The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.
to make sb. decide not to do sth. or continue doing sth., especially by making them understand the difficulties and unpleasant results of their actions
to appoint (sb.)
They have appointed a new head teacher at my son’s school.
appoint sb. to something : She has recently been appointed to the committee.
to choose sb. for a job or position of responsibility
Nuclear weapons are a ‘no brainer’ for any country whose leaders believe that it faces powerful adversaries.
a relative pronoun, used to give more information about a person or thing
[uncountable] pursuit of sth.
- the pursuit of happiness/knowledge/profit*
- She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams.*
the act of looking for or trying to find sth.
syn. : thorough
a rigorous analysis
done carefully and with a lot of attention to detail
syn. : ?
against/from sth. : Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion.
that cannot be affected or harmed by sth.
- to be virtually impossible*
- Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax.*
almost or very nearly, so that any slight difference is not important
to lay out
/ˈleɪ aʊt/
syn. : to set out
/set aʊt/
All the terms and conditions are laid out in the contract.
to present a plan, an argument, etc. clearly and carefully
syn. : ?
- a lethal/deadly weapon*
- nuclear weapons*
an object such as a knife, gun, bomb, etc. that is used for fighting or attacking sb.
A transcontinental country spanning the northeast corner of Africa and southwest corner of Asia by a land bridge formed by the Sinai peninsula.
It is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, the Gulf of Aqaba to the east, the Red Sea to the east and south, Sudan to the south, and Libya to the west.
- a paradigm for students to copy*
- The war was a paradigm of the destructive side of human nature.*
(specialist or formal) a typical example or pattern of sth.
[uncountable + singular or plural verb] media
The media was/were accused of influencing the final decision.
the main ways that large numbers of people receive information and entertainment, that is television, radio, newspapers and the Internet
to set aside
/set əˈsaɪd/
syn. : to disregard
Let’s set aside my personal feelings for now.
to not consider sth., because other things are more important
syn. : ?
to face
- The company is facing a financial crisis.*
- The problem is facing Niger now.*
if you … a particular situation, or it … you, you have to deal with it
to address
The President has been asked to address the assembly.
to make a formal speech to a group of people
- social/sexual/criminal behaviour*
- His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.*
the way that sb. acts, especially towards other people
- Our information comes from a reliable source.*
- a reliable witness*
that is likely to be correct or true, based on experience
opp : unusable
The bike is rusty but usable.
that can be exploited; in good enough condition to be employed
opp : ?
the agreement now includes a clear definition of the notion of producer
an inclusive general concept
- a master-servant relationship*
- The relationship between the police and the local community has improved.*
- I have established a good working relationship with my boss.*
the way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other
[transitive] to contemplate
syn. : to consider
contemplate sth. : You’re too young to be contemplating retirement.
contemplate doing sth. : I have never contemplated living abroad.
contemplate how/what, etc… : He continued while she contemplated how to answer.
to think about whether you should do sth., or how you should do sth.
syn. : ?
[intransitive] to articulate (with sth.)
These courses are designed to articulate with university degrees.
(formal) to be related to sth. so that together the two parts form a whole
Saudi Arabia
/ˌsaʊdi əˈreɪbiə/
a country bordered by Jordan and Iraq to the North, Kuwait to the northeast, the Persian Gulf, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates to the east, Oman to the southeast, Yemen to the south and the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba to the west.
The road continues beyond the village up into the hills.
on or to the further side of sth.
[plural] terms
Under the terms of the agreement, their funding of the project will continue until 2015.
the conditions that people offer, demand or accept when they make an agreement, an arrangement or a contract
transnational corporations
existing in or involving many different countries
to focus (on/upon sb./sth.)
The discussion focused on three main problems.
to give attention, effort, etc. to one particular subject, situation or person rather than another
/ˌnəʊ ˈbreɪnə(r)/
The question of who to support in this election should be a no-brainer.
(informal) a decision or a problem that you do not need to think about much because it is obvious what you should do
syn. : practicable
- a feasible plan/suggestion/idea*
- It’s just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis.*
that is possible and likely to be achieved
syn. : ?
to oversee (sth./sb)
syn. : to supervise
United Nations observers oversaw the elections.
to watch sb./sth. and make sure that a job or an activity is done correctly
syn. : ?
a subdivision of a state, nation, country, etc.; a subsidiary state, territory, etc., within a larger political entity, with varying degrees of autonomy depending on the context.
[transitive] to threaten
He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work.
threaten sb. with sth. : The attacker threatened them with a gun.
to say that you will cause trouble, hurt sb., etc. if you do not get what you want
the relative merits of the two plans
considered and judged by being compared with sth. else
[transitive] to procure (sth.)
- She managed to procure a ticket.*
- They procured a copy of the report for us.*
- They procured us a copy of the report.*
(formal) to obtain sth., especially with difficulty
to suit (sb./sth.)
- If we met at 2, would that suit you?*
- Choose a computer to suit your particular needs.*
to be convenient or useful for sb.
to group
group (sb./sth.) together : The colleges grouped together to offer a wider range of courses.
to gather into a …; to make sb./sth. form a …
[countable] approach
She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them.
approach to sth. : The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline.
a way of dealing with sb./sth.; a way of doing or thinking about sth. such as a problem or a task
[countable] argument
- Her main argument was a moral one.*
- There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia.*
- His argument was that public spending must be reduced.*
a reason or set of reasons that sb. uses to show that sth. is true or correct
[uncountable, count.] a/ø disagreement
- Disagreement arose about exactly how to plan the show.*
- disagreement on the method to be used*
- There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment.*
- We are in total disagreement as to how to proceed.*
- It was a source of disagreement between the two states.*
a situation where people have different opinions about sth. and often argue
[singular] variety (of sth.)
He resigned for a variety of reasons.
several different sorts of the same thing
according to
/əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə/
- The work was done according to her instructions.*
- The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience.*
following, agreeing with or depending on sth.
to simplify
- The application forms have now been simplified.*
- I hope his appointment will simplify matters.*
to make sth. easier to do or understand
plur. : axes
- the Franco-German axis*
- Iraq, North Korea and Iran were termed as an ‘axis of evil’*
(formal) an agreement or alliance between two or more countries
plur. : ?
Britain’s nuclear arsenal
a collection of weapons such as guns and explosives
to assume sth.
syn. : to take sth. on
- This matter has assumed considerable importance.*
- In the story the god assumes the form of an eagle.*
(formal) to begin to have a particular quality or appearance
syn. : ?
a landlocked country within south-central Asia, bordered by Pakistan in the south and east, Iran in the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in the north; and in the far northeast, China.
Wash the fruit thoroughly before use.
completely and with great attention to detail
[countable] aim
She went to London with the aim of finding a job.
the purpose of doing sth.; what sb. is trying to achieve
the Middle East
/ðə ˌmɪdl ˈiːst/
an area that covers SW Asia and NE Africa
secretary of state
/ˌsekrətri əv ˈsteɪt/
a meeting between Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, under the auspices of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
(in the US) the head of the government department that deals with foreign affairs
negotiate (with sb. ; for/about sth.)
made again : to renegotiate
- The government will not negotiate with terrorists.*
- a strong negotiating position*
to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion
made again : ?
[transitive] to argue (sth.)
These latest developments argue a change in government policy.
(formal) to show clearly that sth. exists or is true
a financial adviser
adviser (to sb. ; on sth.) : a special adviser to the President on education
a person who gives an opinion, especially sb. who knows a lot about a particular subject
/ˈnaɪðə(r)/ or /ˈniːðə(r)/
- ‘Which do you like?’ ‘Neither. I think they’re both ugly.’*
- It fears that it could neither defeat nor deter a U.S. attack.*
not one nor the other of two things or people
[uncountable] embrace
the country’s eager embrace of modern technology
the act of accepting an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc, especially when it is done with enthusiasm
syn. : mainly, primarily
/ˈmeɪnli/, /praɪˈmerəli/
He’s travelled widely, chiefly in Africa and Asia.
not completely, but for the most part
syn. : 2
an academic
(plural) syn. : university people
/ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti ˈpiːpl/
Academics are not generally very well paid.
a person who teaches and/or does research at a university or college
(plural) syn. : ?
That was a smart career move.
(especially North American English) intelligent
[uncountable] growth
- Remove dead leaves to encourage new growth.*
- a concern with personal* (= mental and emotional) growth and development
- growth hormones* (= designed to make sb./sth. grow faster)
(of people, animals or plants) the process of developping physically, mentally or emotionally
[intransitive, trans.] to distinguish
syn. : to differentiate
- We can distinguish five meanings of the word ‘mad’.*
- English law clearly distinguishes between murder and manslaughter*
- It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other.*
- Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.*
to recognize the difference between two people or things
syn. : ?
[uncountable, count.] ø concern/a concern
- There is growing concern about violence on television.*
- She hasn’t been seen for four days and there is concern for her safety.*
- The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment.*
- There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land.*
a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people
that is/that is to say
three days from now, that is to say on Friday
in other words
The talks were headed by Germany’s Chancellor Merkel.
the head of government in Germany or Austria
[intransitive] to accrue
Interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings account.
accrue (to sb. ; from sth.) : economic benefits accruing to the country from tourism
(formal) to increase over a period of time
It’s a theoretical possibility.
that could possibly exist, happen or be true, although this is unlikely
(often passive) to characterize
The city is characterized by tall modern buildings in steel and glass.
to give sb./sth. its typical or most noticeable qualities or features
The airline was saved by a government bailout.
(economy) an act of giving money to a company, a foreign country, etc. that has very serious financial problems
I couldn’t concentrate, presumably because I was so tired.
used to say that you think that sth. is probably true
[only before noun] former
syn : previous, one time
/ˈpriːviəs/, /ˈwʌn taɪm/
former South African president Nelson Mandela
that used to have a particular position or status in the past
syn. : 2
to devise
syn. : to think up
/’θɪŋk ʌp/
A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.
to invent sth. new or a new way of doing sth.
syn. : ?
to undergo
- to undergo tests/trials/repairs*
- My mother underwent major surgery last year.*
to experience sth., especially a change or sth. unpleasant
Interest rates are a major determinant of currency trends.
(formal) a thing that decides whether or how sth. happens
conducive (to sth.)
an environment conducive to learning
making it easy, possible or likely for sth. to happen
syn. : predicament
- to face a dilemma*
- to be in a dilemma*
a situation which makes problems, often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance
syn. : ?
a feminist critique of Freud’s theories
the act of considering the merits and demerits of sb./sth. and judging them/it accordingly
(not used in the progressive tenses) to matter
‘What did you say?’ ‘Oh, it doesn’t matter’
matter (to sb.) : The children matter more to her than anything else in the world.
to be important or have an important effect on sb./sth.
a country in western Asia, also known as Persia.
It is bordered to the NW by Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, to the north by the Caspian Sea, to the NE by Turkmenistan, to the east by Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the south by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, and to the west by Turkey and Iraq.
A British woman was among the survivors.
being included or happening in groups of things or people
What is Britain’s nearest neighbour ?
a country that is next to or near another country
to co(-)author (sth.)
/ˌkəʊ ˈɔːθə(r)/
She has also written dozens of articles and coauthored three textbooks.
to write a book or an article with sb. else
(neither…) nor (…)
- She seemed neither surprised nor worried.*
- He wasn’t there on Monday. Nor on Tuesday, for that matter.*
_/!_ (formal) Not a building nor a tree was left standing.
the conjunction used with ‘neither’ or ‘not’ to mean ‘and not’
- ‘You could have done more to help.’ ‘Granted.’*
- Granted, it’s not the most pleasant of jobs but it has to be done.*
- A paradigm is a set of beliefs about what should be taken for granted.*
used to show that you accept that sth. is true, often before you make another statement about it
[countable] strand
We heard every strand of political opinion.
one of the different parts of an idea, a plan, a story, etc.; one of the elements interwoven in a complex whole
syn. : academic
- a scholarly journal*
- They have produced a detailed and scholarly study of the composer’s works.*
connected with study in university
syn. : ?
such as
/sʌtʃ əz/
‘There are loads of things to do.’ ‘Such as?’
for example
[transitive, often passive] to commit (to + V-ing)
The President is committed to reforming health care.
to promise sincerely that you will definitely do sth., keep to an agreement or arrangement, etc.
to stress
He stressed the importance of a good education.
to emphasize a fact, an idea, etc.
to guarantee
Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.
to promise to do sth. ; to promise sth. will happen
[usually before noun] pre-emptive
adverb : pre-emptively
a pre-emptive attack/strike on the military base
done to stop sb. taking action, especially action that will be harmful to yourself
adverb : ?
We’re going for a swim. Why don’t you come along?
with sb.
- a qualified practitioner*
- dental practitioners*
a person who works in a profession, especially medicine or law
- Both women were French.*
- Both the women were French.*
- Both of the women were French.*
- I talked to the women. Both of them were French/They were both French.*
used with plural nouns to mean ‘the two’ or ‘the one as well as the other’
[countable] maker (of sth.)
- a policy maker*
- a new movie from the makers of ‘Terminator’*
(often in compounds) a person, company or piece of equipment that creates or produces sth.
Bob spent fifteen months alone on his yacht. Ann, meanwhile, took care of the children on her own.
during the time that sth. else is happening
[transitive] to reach sth.
syn. : to arrive at
/əˈraɪv ət/
- to reach a conclusion/decision/verdict/compromise*
- Politicians again failed to reach an agreement.*
to achieve a particular aim
syn. : ?
‘Is Tom here?’ ‘No, he was gone before I arrived.’
(of a person) having left a place; away from a place
[intransitive] to seek to do sth.
syn. : to attempt
They quickly sought to distance themselves from the protesters.
to try to do sth.
syn. : ?
to acquire
She has acquired a good knowledge of English.
to gain sth. by your own efforts, ability or behaviour