Chapter 3 Flashcards
What does research start with?
Research starts with questions and formulating the right questions is one of the most important elements of research.
What is a question?
A question is a problem in need of answer.
Where do most of the important questions come from?
Everyday life
Does research often raise more questions than it answers?
How do theories and prior research raise questions for new research?
Through hieuresitic infleunce and systematic influence.
What is heuristic infleunce?
This occurs when theories or new research findings generate interest.
What is a systematic influence?
This occurs whne theories or research provide testable propositions for further research.
What is most of the research in psychology?
It is applied research.
What is applied research?
Applied research is direct attempts to find solutions to practical problems.
What is basic research?
Basic research seeks to improve the scientific understanding of nature without immeadiate concerns for practical goals.
What is sought after in basic research?
What is the difficulty of basic research?
Finding funding
What is a variable?
A variable is any events with different values.
What should research questions specify?
The questions specify what behaviours to observe and under what conditions the observations are to be made.
When classifying variables based on chracteristics, what are the types of ariables.
These are behavioural variables, stimulus variables and organismic variables.