Chapter 2 Glossary Flashcards
What is an abstract?
A brief description of a research study that appears at the beginning of the paper and is included on online databases.
What is assumptions of science?
The basic tenets behind scientific theory and research.
What is behaviour?
Any observable act from any organism.
What is a case study?
Extensive observations of individuals or small groups, using minimal contraints of behaviours.
What is the communicative phase?
Research phase in which rationale, hypotheses, methods, results and interpretations of the study.
What is a construct?
Idea constructed by the researcher to explain observed events.
What is correlational research?
Research that seeks to measure the relationship between variables.
What is data analysis phase?
Research phase in which data is analysed?
What is data?
Plural noun that refers to information gathered in research.
What is deductive reasoning?
Reasoning from the general to the particular, such as when one marks specific predictions about future events based on theories.
What is deductive theory?
A theory that emphasises construct and the relationship between constructs and seeks to make predictions from the theory that can be tested with empirical research.
What is differential research?
Research that involves comparing two or more existing groups.
What is the discussion section?
The section of a research report in which the researcher interprets the findings in light of other research and theory.
What is experimental research?
Research in which participants are randomly assigned t groups and are compared on at least one dependent measure.
What are facts?
Empirically observed events.