Chapter 1 Flashcards
Study of structure and shape of body and parts
Study of how the body and its parts work and function
Gross Anatomy
Large structures easily observable
Microscopic Anatomy
very small structures can only be viewed with a microscope
Structural Organization
Chemical Cellular Tissue Organ Organ Systems organism
Organ System
Integumentary Skin Skeletal Muscular Nervous Endochrine Cardiocvascular Lymphatic Respiratory Digestive Urinary Reproductive
Integumentary Skin
forms the external body covering protects deeper tissue from injury helps regulate body temperature loacation of cutaneous receptors sweat and oil glands
Skeletal system
protects and supports body organisms provides muscle attachment for movement site of blood cell formation stores minerals
Muscular System
produces movement maintains posture produces heat
Nervous System
fast acting system responds to internal and external change activates muscles and glands
Endocrine System
slow acting systems secretes regulatory hormones growth reproduction metablolism
Cardiovascular System
transports materials in body via blood pumped by heart oxygen, carbon, dioxide, nutrients, wastes
Lymphatic system
returns fluids to blood vessels cleanses the blood involved in immunity
Respiratory system
keeps blood supplied with oxygen removes carbon dioxide
Digestive System
breaks down food allows for nutrient absorption into blood eliminates indigestible material
Urinary System
eliminates nitrogenous wastes maintains acid base balance regulates water and electrolytes
Reproductive System
produces offspring testes produce sperm Ovaries produce eggs
Functions for Life
Maintain boundaries Movement Responsiveness Digestion metabolism Excretion Reproduction Growth
Maintain Boundaries
Internal environment is different from external integumentary system keeps fluid in bacteria out protects agains sun heat and chemicals
locomotion walking swimming facial expression movement of substances food and waste through alimentary canal blood urine
ability to sense changes and react
break down and absorption of nutrients
all chemical reactoins in body breakdown complex molecules to smaller build smaller to larger produce energy make body structures
removing wastes produced during metabolic reactions and digestion primarily removed in urine and feces
Produces future generations occurs on cellular level or organismal level
increases cell size and number of cells
Survival needs
Nutrients Oxygen Water Stable body Temperature Atmospheric Pressure
chemiclas for cell building carbs proteins lipids vitamins minerals
required for chemical reactions
60-80 of body weight provides for metabolic reaction
Atmospheric Pressure
must be appropriate for gas exchange
maintaining stable environment dynamic state of flux imbalance results in disease
Homeostasis Regulation
Neural and Hormonal control systems Receptor Control Center Effector
sensor that monitors and responds to changes in environment sends information to control center Brain
Control Center Brain
Determines set point Level at which variable is maintained Analyzes information determines appropriate response
responds to signals from brain afferent IN efferent OUT
Feedback Mechanisms
Homeostatic mechanisms to keep body levels within a normal range can vary from one person to another positive and negative
Negative Feedback mechanism
Most common effectors produce response opposite of stimulus bring value back to set point shut off or reduce stimulus
Positive Feedback mechanism
promotes further push from set point used in blood clotting and child birth Keep clotting until bleeding stops
Language of Anatomy
terms to prevent misunderstanding position direction regions structures
Standard Anatomical position
Standing erect face forward arms at side palms fwd fingers down feet forward parallel and flat
Anterior Ventral
Posterior Dorsal
toward midline
up extremity
Down extremity
toward top
toward center
Body Planes
Sagital Frontal Transverse
down middle split left and right
split front and back
split top and bottom
Body Cavities
Dorsal Ventral
Dorsal Cavity
Cranial houses brain spinal houses spinal cord
Ventral Cavity
Throacic houses heart lungs and others 2 plural cavities surround lungs Mediastium pericardial
Mediastium Cavity
separates plural cavity contains esophagus trachea aorta thymus heart
Pericardial Cavity
surrounds heart
Abdominopelvic cavity
abdominal cavity Most digestive organs Pelvic cavity enclosed by hip bones coxal bones