Brain Development Flashcards
At what week do the 3 primary vesicles of the brain start to develop?
3rd week
What does the brain form from?
Neural tube
At what week do the 3 primary vesicles divide into 5 secondary vesicles?
5th week
What does the prosencephalon split into?
Telencephalon and Diencephalon
What do the walls of the telencephalon create?
Cerebral hemispheres
What does the cavity of the telencephaloncreate?
Lateral ventricles
What do the walls of the diencephalon create?
Thalami, etc.
What does the cavity of the diencephalon create?
3rd ventricle
What does the mesencephalon split into?
It does NOT split - stays as mesencephalon
What do the walls of the mesencephalon create?
What does the cavity of the mesencephalon create?
What does the rhombencephalon split into?
Metencephalon and Myelencephalon
What do the walls of the metencephalon create?
Pons and cerebellum
What does the cavity of the metencephalon create?
Upper part of 4th ventricle
What do the walls of the myelencephalon create?
What does the cavity of the myelencephalon create?
Lower part of 4th ventricle
What are the 3 brain flexures?
Midbrain, pontine, and cervical
What brain flexure is located dorsally?
Pontine flexure
What separates the spinal cord and the myelencephalon?
Cervical flexure
What separates the metencephalon and myelencephalon?
Pontine flexure
At the caudal end of the myelencephalon, what is formed?
Nucleus gracilis, nucleus cuneatus, pyramids
What do pyramids consist of?
Corticospinal fibers
Neuroblasts from alar plates that migrate more ventrally form what?
Olivary nuclei
At the rostal end of the myelencephalon, what moves laterally?
Alar plates move lateral compared to basal plates = motor neurons are now medial!
Pia mater + ependymal roof of 4th ventricle =
Tela choroidea
When the tela choroidea proliferates and invests into 4th ventricle what is formed
Choroid plexus
Job of choroid plexus?
Secrete CSF
For mesencephalon, neuroblasts from alar plates migrate into tectum form what?
Superior and inferior colliculi
For mesencephalon, neuroblasts from basal plates migrate and form what?
Tegmental nuclei
What is included in tegmental nuclei?
Red nuclei, reticular nuclei, CN III and CN IV nuclei
Fibers that grow from cerebral cortex form?
Cerebral peduncles (crus cerebri)
3 swellings in the diencephalon?
Hypothalamus, thalamus, epithalamus
If the thalamus develops into cavity (normal) but then fuses what is created?
Interthalamic adhesion
What develops as a median outgrowth of root of diencephalon?
Pineal gland
What are the 2 embryonic sources for the pituitary gland?
Hypophyseal diverticulum and Neurohypophyseal diverticulum
The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is made from what
Oral ectoderm
What posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is made from what
Hypophyseal diverticulum
Upgrowth of oral ectoderm/roof of stomodeum
Neurohypophyseal diverticulum
Downgrowth of diencephalon
What bone develops underneath pituitary gland?
Mesenchyme trapped in longitudinal fissure between cerebral hemispheres
Falx cerebri
Corpus striatum
Separates and defines caudate and lentiform nuclei
Incomplete separation of cerebral hemispheres
Group of nerve fibers interconnecting cerebral hemispheres
Cerebral commissures
Largest commissure, extends from diencephalon to optic chiasm and other commissures from within this one
Lamina terminalis
Interconnects temporal lobes of each hemisphere
Anterior commissure
Interconnects hippocampi within each hemisphere
Hippocampal commissure
Links hemispheres and will grow beyond lamina terminalis
Corpus callosum
What does the remainder of the lamina terminalis become?
Septum pellucidum
How are the cortical layers of the cerebral hemispheres laid down?
Deepest layers are the oldest; the new cells migrate through the deep layers to populate superficial layers
Incomplete neuronal migration; infant appears normal but will later develop seizures, mental deficiency and spastic quadriplegia
Common findings of the brain with lissencephaly
Smooth cerebral surface, agyria, pachygyria, neuronal heterotopia, enlarged ventricles and malformation of corpus callosum
Calvaria and brain are small but face is normal size; reduction in brain growth
What can cause microcephaly?
Maternal alcohol abuse, ionizing radiation, infectious agents (zika virus and others), inherited