Apuleius, Met. 9.13 Flashcards
adipīscor adipiscī adeptus sum
to gain, secure, win, obtain; arrive at, come up to/into; inherit; overtake
canō, canere, cecinī, cantum
canthērius –ī m.
a gelding (a castrated horse); a horse of poor quality, a nag
cariōsus –a –um
decayed, rotten
castīgātiō –ōnis f.
a correcting, correction, censure, reproof
cēlō celāre celāvī celātus
to hide, conceal, keep secret; disguise; keep in the dark/ignorance; shield
cervīx cervīcis f.
neck, nape; severed head/neck
circumcursiō –ōnis f.
a running around
cōgnitus –a –um
known, noted, recognized
contruncō –āre
to cut down, cut to pieces
contubernium –ī n.
association; band, brotherhood
cōpula –ae f
a band, rope, thong, tie, fastening
corium –ī n.
costa –ae f.
a rib; side
cruciābilis –e
tormenting, painful, excruciating, miserable; susceptible of torture
dēbilis, e
crippled, weakened, feeble
dēmergō –ere –mersī –mersus
to dip, plunge
dētrūdō –ere –trūsī –trūsus
to thrust down or away; push off from; reduce to
exasperō –āre –āvī –ātus
to make rough, to roughen
exercitō –exercitāre
to exercise frequently or diligently, practise; agitate, disturb
exulcerō –āre
to make sore; irritate
follicō –āre (no perf)
to expand and contract one’s self like a pair of bellows; to loose
fūnestus –a –um
deadly, fatal