Apuleius, Met. 4.30.1-3 Flashcards
such a point; precisely, exactly; thus far; indeed, truly; even
almus –a –um
nuturing, fostering; (alma, ae. f. as substantive, mother)
commūnis commūnis commūne
common, joint, public; general, universal; ordinary; sociable, courteous; related; neutral, impartial; applicable on either side; same form for two cases
condō condere condidī conditus
to put/insert (into); store up/put away, preserve, bottle (wine); bury/inter; sink; build/found, make; shut (eyes); conceal/hide/keep safe; put together, compose; restore; sheathe (sword); plunge/bury (weapon in enemy); put out of sight
elementum –ī n.
a first principle, simple substance, element
ēn or em
look! calling attention, or expressing surprise or indignation, lo! behold! see! there!
eximius –a –um
exceptional, distinguished
in vain; for nothing, to no purpose
gaudeō gaudēre gāvīsus sum
to be glad, rejoice
illicitus (inlicitus) –a –um
not allowed, unlawful, illicit
māiestās –ātis f.
greatness; majesty, dignity, authority, power (> magnus, maius)
without doubt, doubtless, indisputably, certainly, surely, truly
paenitet paenitēre paenituit
to make sorry, cause to repent
pārens –entis, m/f.
partiārius, a, um
sharing, shared
pāstor pāstōris m.
piāmentum –ī n.
a means of making amends, an atoning sacrifice
priscus –a –um
ancient, antique
profānō –āre
to render unholy, to unhallow, descrate, violate; to disclose, reveal, betray
quīcumque quaecumque quodcumque
whoever, whatever
sordēs –is f.
filth; greed
speciēs specieī f.
appearance, aspect; image; specter
terrēnus –a –um
made of earth; earthen, of earth; earthly, earth–born (> terra)
tractō tractāre tractāvī tractātus
to draw, haul, pull, drag about; handle, manage, treat, discuss