Apuleius, Met. 10.17 Flashcards
acceptus, a, um
accumbō –cumbere –cubuī –cubitum
to lie down; recline at dinner
adluctor (1)
the very first, especially, exceedingly
argūtiae –ārum f. or argūtia –ae f.
sharpness, cleverness, wit
bibō bibere bibī
to drink; toast
cilium –ī n.
an eyelid; eyelash; eyebrow
cōmis –e
courteous, affable, kind, obliging, friendly, loving; elegant, cultured
commendātus, a,um
acceptable, agreeable
commodō commodāre commodāvī commodātus
to adapt, accommodate; lend, provide
cōnīveō cōnīvēre cōnīvī (cōnīxī) —
to shut the eyes, blink
conspectus, ūs, m.
convīva –ae m.
guest, table–companion
crēbrēscō –ere –crēbuī
become widespread, increase
cubitum –ī n.
the elbow (> cubo, lie down)
dēlibūtus, a, um
smeared with, overflowing with (+ abl.)
edō ēdere ēdidī editum
emit, bring forth, carry out; perform (actions) (not to be confused with edō ēsse ēdī ēsus, to eat)
emptor –ōris m.
fāmigerābilis –e
famous, celebrated
flāgitō flāgitāre flāgitāvī flāgitātum
to demand, entreat
instruō, instruere, instrūxī, instructum
furnish, provide
lībertus lībertī m.
ex–slave, freedman
luctor –ārī
to wrestle
mēnsa mēnsae f.
table; course, meal
mōnstrum mōnstrī n.
omen, monster
nūtriō –īre –īvī (–iī) –ītus
to nourish, suckle; breed, rear, train
nūtus –ūs m.
nod, will
obtruncō obtruncāre obtruncāvī obtruncātus
to lop off; cut down; cut to pieces, slay
opīmus –a –um
rich, fertile; sumptuous; spolia opima, the arms taken by a general from a general slain in battle (> ops)
ostentum, ī, n.
portent, prodigy
pābulum –ī n.
feeding material; food, pasturage, pasture (> pasco)
pecūliātus, a, um
perdoceō –docēre –docuī –doctum
to instruct thoroughly, inform
very easy
plērusque –aque –umque
the majority, most, very great part; about all; very many, a good many
pōcillātor –ōris m.
portendō –ere –tendī –tentus
to stretch, hold forth; to foretell, portend, presage (> pro and tendo)
praefor –fātus sum
request in advance (+ acc.)
quadruplus –a –um
four times as much, quadruple
in order that (+ subj.)
rītus –ūs m.
a farm of religious ceremonial; a form, rite; custom, manner; abl., ritu, in the manner of, like
saltō saltāre
to dance
scaevus –a –um
awkward, perverse, stupid, silly; of the left side; unfavorable, unlucky
sēnsus sēnsūs m.
perception, feeling; sense
sitiō sitīre sitīvī
to be thirsty
sodālis sodālis m.
suffīgō –fīgere –fīxī –fīxum
to fasten beneath or below , to fasten or fix on , to affix
vereor verērī veritus sum
to be in awe of, show respect to; dread, fear
volturius –iī m.