Apuleius, Met. 6.21 Flashcards
absentia –ae f.
accurrō –ere –currī (–cucurrī) –cursus
to run to; run, hasten up (> ad and curro)
aliquantus –a –um
certain quantity/amount/number/size of; quite a quantity of; moderate
cadāver –eris n.
a dead body, carcass, corpse (> cado)
cicātrīx –īcis f.
a scar
cohibeō –ēre –uī –itus
to hold together, restrain, confine; check, curb, repress (> com– and habeo)
conlābor –lāpsus sum
to slip or fall together or completely; give way, fail; sink down; swoon, faint; fall
a cover, a lid
crassus –a –um
thick, fat; crass, coarse
cubiculum –ī n.
dētergeō –ēre or dētergō –ere –tersī –tersum
to wipe off, wipe away
diūtinus (diutinus) –a –um
of long duration, lasting
dormiō dormīre dormīvī dormītum
to sleep, rest; go to sleep, be/fall asleep; be idle, do nothing
ēlābor elabī elapsus
to slip away
exsequor (exequor) exsequī exsecūtus sum
to follow, accomplish, persist
fenestra –ae f.
fōrmō(n)sitās –ātis f.
innoxius –a –um
harmless, innocent
meanwhile, in the meantime; at the same time; however, nevertheless
invādō invādere invāsī invāsum
to go in, attack, invade
levis leve
light; trivial; fickle; worthless; light-footed, delicate; powerless; insignificant; easily digested
mandō mandāre mandāvī mandātus
to entrust, commit to one’s charge, deliver over; commission; order, command
misellus –a –um
poor, wretched, unfortunate