Apuleius, Met. 10.16.7-9 Flashcards
preposterously, absurdly
such a point; precisely, exactly; thus far; indeed, truly; even
calix –icis m.
dish; drinking cup
cantharus –ī m.
a wide-mouthed drinking vessel with handles; tankard; a pot
commoneō –monēre –monuī –monitum
to remind
contemperō –āre
to moderate or temper by mixing
conterreō –ēre –uī –itus
to frighten greatly; terrify
contorqueō –ēre –torsī –tortus
to turn round entirely, twist; turn; hurl, cast, lance
contubernālis –is m./f.
tentmate, comrade–in–arms
finally, in the end; and then; at worst; in short, to sum up; in fact, indeed
epulō –ōnis m.
banqueter, dinner guest
exinde (abbrev. exin)
from that place; thence, of place; of time, thereafter; thereupon, then
exsurgō (ir exurgō) –ere –surrēxī
to rise up; rise; stand
furcifer furciferī m. or furcifera –ae f.
a yoke-bearer, gallows-bird, hang-dog, rascal
haustus –ūs m.
a drinking, swallowing, drawing in, drink, draught
ingēns ingentis
huge; oustanding
iocor (1)
jest, joke
labia (labea) –ae f.
a lip
lavō lavāre lāvī lōtus (or lautus)
to wash, bathe; soak
mulsum –ī n.
honey-wine, mead, wine mixed with honey
oborior –orīrī –ortus sum
to arise, appear
in a leisurely manner; peacefully
parasītus –ī m
a table-companion (who sponges off a wealthier friend)
pōculum, ī, n.
praebibō –ere –bibī
to drink before, drink to one (as a toast)
prōsequor prōsequī prōsecūtus sum
to accompany, follow
valdē (valdius, valdissimē)
greatly, very, intensely; vigorously, strongly, powerfully, energetically; loudly