Apuleius, Met. 3.11 Flashcards
actor –ōris m.
an agent, doer, performer, actor; accuser, plaintiff; speaker
aes aeris n.
lovingly, amorously
angor –ōris m.
mental anguish, torment
annuus –a –um
of the year, yearly
auctor auctōris m.
originator, source, author
causa causae f.
reason, cause; case; lawsuit; (in abl., often after a word in gen.) for the sake of
celebrō celebrāre celebrāvī celebrātus
throng; honor, praise, celebrate
comitor comitārī comitātus sum
to accompany
commentum –ī n.
invention, fabrication, pretence, fiction, falsehood
conplector conplectī conplexus sum
to embrace, surround, encircle
contumēlia contumēliae f.
dēcernō dēcernere dēcrēvī dēcrētus
resolve, decree
dēlēniō dēlēnīre dēlēniī dēlēnītum
to soothe; soften; mollify
dēpellō dēpellere dēpulī dēpulsus
to drive off, expel, remove
dīgnitās dīgnitātis f.
worth; rank, status
dīgnus –a –um
worthy (of) (+ abl.)
doleō dolēre doluī dolitus
to feel pain, suffer, be in pain, ache
dominus dominī m.
master, lord; (as title) sir
ēgregius –a –um
outstanding, extraordinary
flōrēscō flōrēscere — —
to blossom, flower, bloom; increase in renown
frōns frontis, f.
the forehead, the brow
gestiō, gestīre, gestīvī or gestiī
be eager, desire eagerly; make a gesture