Apuleius, Met. 3.22.1-5 Flashcards
such a degree, so; (= ideō) therefore; (non adeō, not so)
admoveō admovēre admōvī admōtus
to move to, bring to
adsistō –ere –adstitī
to stand by, attend
adfectiō –ōnis f.
affection, love
āmentia āmentiae f.
madness, frenzy
adripiō –ere –uī adreptum
to snatch, seize
attonitus, a, um
stunned, shocked, overwhelmed
beneficium beneficī(ī) n.
service, kindnes
carmen carminis n.
song, poem; spell
dēcantō –āre
to keep singing, bewitch
dēfīgō dēfīgere dēfīxī dēfīxus
to fix, render incapable of thought or movement, dumbfound
dēfricō dēfricāre dēfricuī dēfricātus
to rub
dictō (1)
prescribe, dictate, recommend
exterminō –āre
send beyond a boundary, expel
factum factī n.
frūctus fructūs m.
fruit; profit, reward
impertior, īrī
give, bestow
from the same place
inremūnerābilis –e
that cannot be repaid (hapax legomenon)
lūmen luminis n.
light; eye; spout
magis or mage
mancipium –ī n.
the legal claiming of property; a slave
mellītulus –a –um
honey-sweet (hapax)
occāsiō occāsiōnis f.