Apuleius, Met. 3.24 Flashcards
abiciō abicere abiēcī abiectum
cast aside, throw down, take off
amplector amplectī amplexus sum
to embrace; seize eagerly
adsevērō (1)
declare, affirm
auctus, ūs, m
auris auris f.
avidus –a –um
greedy, keen
brachium brachī(ī) n.
forearm, arm
cauda –ae f.
the tail; penis; coda
cōnātus cōnātūs m.
attempt, effort
corium –ī n.
skin, hide
crassō –āre (no perf.)
to thicken (hapax)
cutis –is f.
skin, hide
deōsculor –ārī
to kiss warmly
dēprecor dēprecārī dēprecātus sum
entreat, pray
ēnōrmis –e
abnormally large, enormous
extimus –a –um
outermost, furthest
faveō favēre fāvī fautum
to favor, be devoted to; show partiality, support someone enthusiastically
grandis grandis grande
full–grown, grown up; large, great, grand, tall, lofty; powerful; aged, old
hauriō haurīre hausī hastus
scoop up; to drain, drink, swallow
horripilō –āre
become bristly, shaggy
immergō –ere –mersī –mersus
dip, plunge
inmodicus –a –um
excessive, extravagant
inrēpō, inēpere, inrēpsī
to crawl along, creep in