Apuleius, Met. 11.2 Flashcards
and, and also, and in fact, and indeed (= atque)
aerumna –ae f.
labor, distress
almus –a –um
nurturing, fostering (alma, f. nourisher, mother)
ambāgēs, ambāgum, f.pl.
a roundabout or circuitous path, meanderings, wanderings to and fro
cāsus cāsūs m.
fall; occurrence; chance, misfortune
Cerēs Cereris f.
Ceres, goddess of grain and fruits
circumfluus –a –um
flowing around, surrounded
claustrum –ī n.
gate, barrier
colō colere coluī cultus
dwell, worship
commostrō (commonstrō) –āre
point out (where something is), reveal
comprimō, comprimere, compressī, compressum
squeeze, press, hold back, curb
conlābor –lāpsus sum
to slip, sink, collapse
dēlūbrum –ī n.
temple, shrine
Eleusīnus –a –um
Eleusinian, from Eleusis (city near Athens, where mysteries of Demeter and Proserpina were celebrated)
Ephesus –ī f.
Ephesus, city in Asia, opposite Samos; famous for its Temple of Artemis
exanclō –āre
fās (indecl.) n.
(what is divinely) right; (what is) permitted
ferīnus –a –um
of wild beasts, bestial
fētus –a –um
having recently given birth
generō generāre generāvī generātus
beget, create
glāns glandis f.
an acorn
gleba –ae f.
clod of earth; land
impetus, ūs, m.
incertus –a –um
unsure, uncertain, unreliable, fluctuating