Apuleius, Met. 3.2.7-9 Flashcards
aditus, ūs, m.
an approach; entryway
cavea –ae f.
the auditorium of a theater
celeritās celeritātis f.
speed, quickness
columna –ae f.
a column, pillar
conseptum, ī, m
an enclosure
dēpendulus –a –um
hanging down (only in Apuleius)
also, even; still
flāgitō flāgitāre flāgitāvī flāgitātum
to demand, entreat
forum forī n.
public square, marketplace, forum
frequens, entis
now, already, by/even now; besides; [non ~ => no longer; ~ pridem => long ago];
immittō immittere immīsī immīssus
insert, lay on
no indeed (contradiction); on the contrary, more correctly; indeed, nay more
implectō –plectere — –plexum
lacūnar āris n
panelled ceiling; a ceiling panel
neclegō (or neglegō) neclegere neclēxī neclēctus
to disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise
nōnnūllus –a –um
number of (pl.), some; several
orchestra –ae f.
the area in front of the stage
perīculum perīculī n.
plērusque –aque –umque
the majority, most, very great part; about all; very many, a good many
prōcurrō –ere –cucurrī (–currī) –cursus
to run forth or forward
prōdūcō prōdūcere prōdūxī prōductus
to lead forward, bring out
proscaenium –ī n.
the stage