Apuleius, Met. 4.5 Flashcards
amputō amputāre
to cut around, cut away, lop off, prune
animadvertō animadvertere animadvertī animadversus
to pay attention to, attend to; notice, observe; judge, estimate; punish (in+ACC)
antecapiō –capere –cēpī –captum(–ceptum)
to obtain before, receive before; anticipate
asinus –ī m.
ass, donkey
bellus –a –um
pretty, handsome, neat, pleasant, fine, agreeable, charming; suitable
cauda –ae f.
the tail; penis; coda
clēmēns –entis
merciful, lenient
clīvulus –īm.
a little hill
a thought
cōgitō cōgitāre cōgitāvī cōgitātus
to think; ponder
colloquor colloquī collocūtus sum
to converse, hold a discussion
commīlitō –ōnis m.
a comrade, fellow–soldier
condō condere condidī conditus
to put/insert (into); store up/put away, preserve, bottle (wine); bury/inter; sink; build/found, make; shut (eyes); conceal/hide/keep safe; put together, compose; restore; sheathe (sword); plunge/bury (weapon in enemy); put out of sight
cōnsilium cōnsiliī n.
deliberation; plan, advice; judgment
dēstinō dēstināre dēstināvī dēstinātus
to determine, intend
dēterior dēterior dēterius; dēterior –ius; dēterrimus –a –um
dīgerō –gere –gessī –gestum
to separate, arrange
distribuō distribuere distribuī distribūtus
to divide up, share out, distrbute
distringō –ere –strīnxī –strīctus
to draw apart; draw, blind, stretch
dīvīnō –āre –āvī –ātus
to divine, foretell, prophesy, forebode, guess
dolus dolī m.
trick, deceit, fraud, artifice
dominus dominī m.
master, lord
ēlevō –āre –āvī –ātum
to raise; diminish, make light of
exhibeō exhibēre exhibuī exhibitum
to hold forth, tender, present, deliver, give up, produce
exsolvō –ere –ī –solūtus
to loosen completely, w. acc. and abl.; disengage; set free, deliver
exsurgō –ere –surrēxī
to rise up; rise; stand
fatīgō fatīgāre fatīgāvī fatīgātus
to tire, wear out
fraus fraudis f.
fraud; trickery, deceit; imposition, offense, crime; delusion
frūgī (indecl. adj.)
sober, thrifty
fūstis –is m.
a knobbed stick, cudgel, staff, club
gladius gladiī m. or gladium –iī n.
habeō habēre habuī habitus
to have, hold; consider
habitātiō –ōnis f.
a dwelling, habitation
iaceō iacēre iacuī
to lie; lie down; lie ill/in ruins/prostrate/dead; sleep; be situated
within, on the inside, inside; at home
lapideus –a –um
of stone, consisting of stones
lassitūdō lassitūdinis f.
lavācrum –ī n.
place for washing, lavatory, bath; vessel for water for washing: a ewer, pitcher, water jug; basin, bowl, wash-stand
līberō līberāre līberāvī līberātus
to free, liberate
mānsiō –ōnis f.
a dwelling; house for clergy, a manse
mentiō mentiōnis f.
morior morī mortuus sum
to die
moror morārī morātus sum
to hinder, delay, wait; delay over, occupy (a person’s time); retain the attention of, hold
offundō offundere offūdī offūsum
pour out, spread out; tumble down
paululum –ī n.
a little, a very little, somewhat
perveniō pervenīre pervēnī perventus
to come to; reach; arrive
pondus ponderis n.
weight, burden, impediment
poples –itis m.
the hinder part of the knee; hamstring; knee
posthumus –a –um
posthumous, after death
praeceps praecipitis, n.
highest part, summit, precipice
praecipitō praecipitāre praecipitāvī praecipitātus
to send headlong, throw down
praevertō –ere –vertī –versus
to turn before; to preoccupy, prepossess; surpass; pass. as dep. (only in pres.), praevertor, to surpass, outstrip
propior propius; proximus –a –um
nearer; nearest
pulvereus –a –um
full of dust, dusty; of dust (> pulvis)
quiēscō quiēscere quiēvī quiētus
to sleep, rest, keep quiet/calm, be at peace/rest; be inactive/neutral; permit
as long as, until
retrahō –ere –trāxī –trāctus
to draw back; lead back, recall; restrain
sarcina –ae f.
burden, baggage
sēdēs sēdis f.
seat, chair; home, residence; settlement, habitation
serviō servīre servīvī servītus
to serve; be a slave to (+ dat.)
sors sortis f.
lot, fate; oracular response
spēs speī f.
spīrō spīrāre spīrāvī spīrātus
to breathe, blow; palpitate; pant; breathe heavily; heave, boil; of odors, breathe forth, exhale, emit; p., spirans, antis, lifelike, breathing
statuō statuere statuī statūtus
to set up, establish, set, place, build; decide, think
stimulus –ī m.
a prick; spur, (fig.); incentive, sting
temptō temptāre temptāvī temptātus
to test, try; urge; worry; bribe
trānsmittō –ere –mīsī –missus
to send across; bear or convey across or over; give over; to cross, pass over, fly over, with acc. of the space crossed over; to make across, of a passage or voyage
vallēs vallis f.
versus or vorsus
turned in the direction of, towards, facing
volūtātus –ūs m.
a rolling about, wallowing