Apuleius, Met. 3.10 Flashcards
accēdō accēdere accessī accessum
affātus –ūs m.
speech, conversation
amfrāctus –ūs m.
a winding course, detour
astus –ūs m.
cunning (abl. astu, with cunning, craftily)
attrahō or adtrahō –ere –trāxī –trāctus
to draw or bring to; fetch
cohibeō –ēre –uī –itus
restrain, reduce in size
compressiō –ōnis f.
squeezing, compression
crebēr crēbra crēbrum
dolor dolōris m.
pain, anguish, grief, sorrow, suffering; resentment, indignation
ēmergō –gere –sī –sum
to come out of the water, emerge
exardescō –ardescere –arsī –arsum
to catch fire, blaze up (with passion)
facessō –ere –cessī –cessītus
go away, depart
fīgō fīgere fīxī fīxus
fix in position, make motionless or rigid, fix
gaudium gaudi(ī) n.
delight, joy, pleasure
gelidus –a –um
cold, icy
grātulor gratulārī gratulātus sum
to congratulate, rejoice
indignātiō –ōnis f.
displeasure, indignation, disdain
inhaereō –ēre –haesī –haesus
remain fixed
iniciō –ere –iēcī –iectum
lay on; (pf. participle + abl. clothed in, covered with)
iniūria iniūriae f.
injury; injustice, wrong, offense;
lacinia –ae f.
garment, strip of cloth
lacrima lacrimae f.
tear, weeping
laetitia laetitiae f.
joy, happiness
lapis lapidis m.
stone; milestone; jewel
modus modī m.
nimietās –ātisf.
observō observāre observāvī observātus
watch for
pectus pectoris n.
chest, breast; heart
perdūcō perdūcere perdūxī perductum
conduct, bring; drink off; drain
permulceō –ēre –mulsī –mulsus (–mulctus)
to stroke; calm, soothe, cheer
prōmicō –āre
shoot forth, sprout
queō quīre quīvī
to be able
renītor –nītī –nīsus sum
respectō respectāre
look back, keep looking at
rīsus –ūs m.
laughter; smile
rūrsus or rūrsum
back again, again
otherwise (adverb)
sēdō sēdāre sēdāvī sēdātus
relieve, mitigate
singultiō –īre
sōlor –ātus sum
to solace, console; assuage, comfort
trepidus –a –um
apprehensive, shaking
ūllus –a –um
any at all, any
venter ventris m.
stomach, belly
violentia –ae f.