Apuleius, Met. 1.1 Flashcards
vocabulary for Ellen Finkelpearl, An Apuleius Reader
Minus select very common words; these are not removed systematically, and sometimes words are repeated on purpose if they are particularly difficult ones.
accēdō accēdere accessī accessum
to go or come to, approach; be added, be included; happen; be an additional factor (esp. impersonal + quod or ut)
accipiō accipere accēpī acceptus
to receive; accept; hear (of), learn (of)
adgredior (aggredior) aggredī aggressus sum
to approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt
advena –ae m./f.
a new comer; a stranger, foreigner; adj., foreign (> advenio)
Aegyptius –a –um
aerumnābilis –e
that may be regarded as wretched or miserable, full of trouble, calamitous
aeternus –a –um
everlasting, eternal
argūtia –ae f.
sharpness, wit
Atticus, a, um
Attic, Athenian
Attis –idis
Attic, Athenian
benevolus –a –um
well-wishing, kind, bountiful, friendly
calamus –ī m.
a reed or cane; a pen; an arrow
condō condere condidī conditus
to put/insert (into); store up/put away, preserve, bottle (wine); bury/inter; sink; build/found, make; shut (eyes); conceal/hide/keep safe; put together, compose; restore; sheathe (sword); plunge/bury (weapon in enemy); put out of sight
cōnserō –ere –sēvī –situs (satus)
to sow or plant
convertō –ere –vertī
to turn round, cause to turn, turn back
dēsultōrius –a –um
of a desultor (a circus rider who jumps from one horse to another); desultory, superficial
ēn or em
look! calling attention, or expressing surprise or indignation, lo! behold! see! there!
Ephyraeius –a –um
Corinthian (Ephyre was the ancient name for Corinth)
indeed, certainly; for my part
excolō –ere –uī –cultus
to till completely; cultivate; refine, perfect, polish
exōrdior exōrdīrī exōrsus sum
to begin; to begin a web, lay the warp, prepare to weave
exōticus –a –um
foreign, exotic, imported; strange; barbarous, unintelligible
fābula fābulae f.
story, tale, fable; play, drama; [fabulae! => rubbish!, nonsense!]