Apuleius, Met. 1.1 Flashcards
vocabulary for Ellen Finkelpearl, An Apuleius Reader
Minus select very common words; these are not removed systematically, and sometimes words are repeated on purpose if they are particularly difficult ones.
accēdō accēdere accessī accessum
to go or come to, approach; be added, be included; happen; be an additional factor (esp. impersonal + quod or ut)
accipiō accipere accēpī acceptus
to receive; accept; hear (of), learn (of)
adgredior (aggredior) aggredī aggressus sum
to approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt
advena –ae m./f.
a new comer; a stranger, foreigner; adj., foreign (> advenio)
Aegyptius –a –um
aerumnābilis –e
that may be regarded as wretched or miserable, full of trouble, calamitous
aeternus –a –um
everlasting, eternal
argūtia –ae f.
sharpness, wit
Atticus, a, um
Attic, Athenian
Attis –idis
Attic, Athenian
benevolus –a –um
well-wishing, kind, bountiful, friendly
calamus –ī m.
a reed or cane; a pen; an arrow
condō condere condidī conditus
to put/insert (into); store up/put away, preserve, bottle (wine); bury/inter; sink; build/found, make; shut (eyes); conceal/hide/keep safe; put together, compose; restore; sheathe (sword); plunge/bury (weapon in enemy); put out of sight
cōnserō –ere –sēvī –situs (satus)
to sow or plant
convertō –ere –vertī
to turn round, cause to turn, turn back
dēsultōrius –a –um
of a desultor (a circus rider who jumps from one horse to another); desultory, superficial
ēn or em
look! calling attention, or expressing surprise or indignation, lo! behold! see! there!
Ephyraeius –a –um
Corinthian (Ephyre was the ancient name for Corinth)
indeed, certainly; for my part
excolō –ere –uī –cultus
to till completely; cultivate; refine, perfect, polish
exōrdior exōrdīrī exōrsus sum
to begin; to begin a web, lay the warp, prepare to weave
exōticus –a –um
foreign, exotic, imported; strange; barbarous, unintelligible
fābula fābulae f.
story, tale, fable; play, drama; [fabulae! => rubbish!, nonsense!]
fēlīx fēlīcis
fortunate, happy
figūra figūrae f.
form, shape
forēnsis forēnsis forēnse
of the market, of the forum, public, forensic; (n. pl. as subs.) clothes for a public occasion; (possibly) foreign
fortūna fortūnae f.
fortune, chance
glaeba –ae f.
a lump of earth; a clod; soil
Graecānicus –a –um
Greek, Graecian, in the manner of the Greeks
Hymettos –ī m.
a mountain of Attica, famous for its honey
imāgō imāginis f.
likeness, image, appearance; statue; idea; echo; ghost, phantom
immūtātiō –ōnis f.
a change, exchanging, interchange; transformation; metonymy, the indirect naming of any thing (in rhet)
incipiō incipere incēpī inceptus
to take on, begin
indigena –ae
born in the land; native, indigenous
inscrībō inscrībere inscrīpsī inscrīptus
to write on(to), brand
īnspiciō –ere –spexī –spectus
to look into or overlook (> in and specio, look)
intendō intendere intendī intentus
to hold out; stretch, strain, exert
Isthmos, ī, m.
the Isthmus of Corinth
lābor labī lapsus sum
to glide, slip
laetor laetārī laetātus sum
to be glad/joyful/delighted; rejoice; be fond (of), delight in; flourish (on/in)
Latius –a –um
of or belonging to Latium
lēctor –ōris m.
lepidus –a –um
charming, nice
liber librī m.
lingua linguae f.
tongue; speech, language; dialect
locūtor (loquūtor) –ōris m.
a speaker; a talker, prater, babbler
magister magistrī m.
master, chief, teacher
mereō merēre meruī meritum
to earn, deserve, merit; serve as a soldier
Mīlēsius –a –um
Milesian, of or from Miletus; “Milesian Tales” were a type of popular literature, possibly pornographic.
mīror mīrārī mīrātus sum
to wonder at, be astonished
provided that; only, just; now, just now
soon; then
mūtuus –a –um
interchangeable, reciprocal; on both sides; per mutua, mutually, to each other (> muto)
nexus –ūs m.
a tying or binding together, a fastening, joining, an interlacing, entwining, clasping.
Nīlōticus –a –um
of the Nile
offendō offendere offendī offēnsus
to offend, give offense (to); displease/annoy/vex; trouble/upset, hurt (feelings); strike/knock against; bump into; stumble upon; spoil/harm; meet, find, encounter, be faced with; run aground; violate/wrong
papȳrus –ī f.
paucus –a –um
(pl.) a few; (sing.) small
permulceō –ēre –mulsī –mulsus (–mulctus)
to stroke; calm, soothe, cheer
praeeō –īre –īvī –or iī –itus –īre
lead guide
praefor –fātus sum
request in advance (+ acc.)
prior priōris
former, previous, prior, first; ancestors (pl.), forefathers, predecessors, people of an earlier time
prōsāpia –ae f.
a stock, race, family
pueritia pueritiae f.
boyhood, childhood, youth
Quirīs Quirītis m.
the formal term for a Roman citizen, used particularly in legal situations to emphasize civic rights
reficiō reficere refēcī refectus
to rebuild, repair, restore
respondeō respondēre respondī respōnsus
to answer, give an opinion about the law
rudis –e
still in its natural state; roughly fashioned, crude, uncultivated
rūrsus or rūrsum
turned back, backward; on the contrary/other hand, in return, in turn, again
scientia scientiae f.
knowledge, science; skill
sermō sermōnis m.
conversation, discussion; rumor; diction; speech; talk; the word
sīquis or sīquī sīqua sīquid
if any (one)
Spartiāticus –a –um
spernō spernere sprēvī sprētum
to reject, spurn
stilus stilus –ī m.
a pointed instrument, a stylus; a composition; a manner of writing
stīpendium stīpendi(ī) n.
pay, tax; a term of military service, a campaign
studium studiī n.
zeal, enthusiasm; pursuit, study; enthusiastic support
susurrō –ōnis m.
to hum, buzz, murmur, mutter, whisper
Taenarus (Taenaros) –ī m. or Taenarum –ī n.
Taenarus; the southernmost point of the Peloponnese, famous for a cave leading to the underworld
varius –a –um
different; various, diverse; changing; colored; parti-colored, variegated
venia veniae f.
indulgence, pardon
vetus veteris
vōx vōcis f.
voice; word