Apuleius, Met. 3.2.1-4 Flashcards
admīrātiō –ōnis f.
admiration; wonder, amazement
adsum adesse adfuī adfutūrus
to be near or by; to be present, at hand
aedēs aedis f.
temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house (pl.), abode, dwelling; household
angiportum –ī, n.
alley, narrow street, lane
aspectus aspectūs m.
possibility of seeing, sight
circumfluō, circumfluere, circumfluxī
flow around; crowd around
compleō complere complēvī complētus
fill, complete
cōnspiciō cōnspicere cōnspexī cōnspectus
catch sight of, see
cūnctus –a –um
all, entire, all together
dēiciō dēicere dēiēcī deīctum
to throw down
dēnsitās –ātis f.
thickness, density, abundance
dīrumpō –rumpere –rūpī –ruptum
to break to pieces, break, shatter
effundō effundere effūdī effūsus
to pour out
also, even; still
fenestra –ae f.
no indeed (contradiction); on the contrary, more correctly; indeed, nay more
incēdō incēdere incessī incessus
to go, happen; proceed; walk (in a stately manner)
īnferī, ōrum, m.pl.
the inhabitants of the underworld, the dead
īnsequor īnsequī īnsecūtus sum
to follow after, pursue; attack
īnsistō –ere –stitī
halt, come to a standstill
inruptiō –ōnis f.
forcible entry, incursion
iūssus iūssūs m.
order, command
līctor –ōris m.
a lictor, official attendant upon a magistrate