Apuleius, Met. 2.1 Flashcards
aliōquīn or aliōquī
ambiō –īre –īvī (–iī) –ītus
to go round; strive for, aim at; encompass; approach, address; entrap, circumvent (> amb– and eo)
ānxius –a –um
troubled or troubling, disquieting (> ango)
arbor (or arbos) arboris f.
tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid
Aristomenēs –is m.
Aristomenes, legendary Messenian hero in the 2nd war with Sparta
aspiciō aspicere aspēxī aspectus
to look at, behold
avis avis f.
bōs bovis m.
caelum caelī n.
sky, heaven
cantāmen –inisn.
a spell, a charm, magic incantation
celebrō celebrāre celebrāvī celebrātus
to celebrate/perform; frequent, crowd, throng; honor/glorify; publicize/advertise; discuss/bandy
cognōscō cognōscere cognōvī cognitus
to come to know, learn, recognize; in perfect, know; conduct an inquiry or trial
cōnsīderō cōnsīderāre cōnsīderāvī cōnsīderātus
to consider, contemplate
consonus –a –um
crēdō crēdere crēdidī crēditus
to trust, believe (+ dat.); entrust
cupidus –a –um
desirous (+ gen.)
cūriōsus –a –um
bestowing care, painstaking, careful, diligent, thoughtful, devoted, attentive; inquisitive, interfering
discutiō –ere –cussī –cussus
to shake off, strike off; disperse, dissipate, dispel (> dis– and quatio)
dūrō dūrāre dūrāvī dūrātus
to harden, endure
effigiēs –eī or effigia –ae f.
a portrait, image, effigy, statue; a ghost
ēmergō –gere –sī –sum
to come out of the water, emerge
exorior exorīrī exortus sum
to rise up, proceed
fābula fābulae f.
story, tale, fable; play, drama; [fabulae! => rubbish!, nonsense!]
fērālis –e
pertaining to the dead; funereal, funeral; mournful