Apuleius, Met. 11.30.3-5 Flashcards
rather, quite
adfāmen –inis n.
address, salutation; an accosting
calvitium –ī n.
baldness; bareness, sterility
collēgium collēgiī n.
college, guild
(adv. or prep. + abl.) in person, face–to–face; in one’s presence, before one’s eyes; publicly, openly
decuriō, ōnis, m.
a decurion (a member of the governing committee of a collegium; a town councillor)
dēserviō –īre –servīre
to serve, be devoted to (+ dat.)
dignor (1)
consider worthy, deign, think fit
dissēminātiō –ōnis, f.
the action of spreading abroad
doctrīna, ae, f.
teaching, learning (not “doctrine”)
exciō, īre, īvī, ītum
summon, give rise to
grex gregis m.
herd, flock; troupe of actors
malevolus –a –um
ill-disposed, disaffected, spiteful, malevolent
mūnia –ium n.
duties, functions, official duties
obeō obīre obiī/obīvī obitum
perform; go or come; visit; die
obtegō –ere –tēxī –tēctus
to cover up or over
obumbrō obumbrāre obumbrāvī obumbrātus
to overshadow; darken; screen, protect, shield
obvius obvia obvium
in the way, easy; hostile; exposed (to)
Osīris –is (–idis) m.
Osiris, an Egyptian god, husband / consort of Isis
pastophorī –ōrum m.
a kind of priests who carried about the images of their deities in a little shrine for the purpose of collecting alms
persōna persōnae f.
an actor’s mask; role, character, individual
in every place
quinquennālis, is, m
(untranslatable) an official holding office in a collegium