Apuleius, Met. 2.7 Flashcards
accēdō accēdere accessī accessum
to go or come to, approach; be added, be included; happen; be an additional factor (esp. impersonal + quod or ut)
adflō (afflō) adflāre adflāvī adflātus
to blow upon; breathe upon; blast; inspire; impart
to say (defective), assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down (law)
aliōquīn or aliōquī
in other respects, as a general rule
rather high (only in Apuleius)
amiciō –īre –icuī (–ixī) –ictus
clothe, dress
apparō apparāre apparāvī apparātus
to get ready, prepare; resolve, be ready; with infin.
ārdor ārdōris m.
burning, heat, eagerness
aspectus aspectūs m.
sight, gaze
beātus –a –um
happy; blessed, prosperous, fortunate
cārus –a –um
precious; dear (to) (+ dat.)
cibārius –a –um
pertaining to food; suitable for eating
circulus –ī m.
concīdō –cīdere –cīdī –cīsum
to cut to pieces, chop up
condiō –īre –īvī –ītus
flavor (food), season
cōnsecō, consecāre, consecuī, consectum
to cut up, cut to pieces
crebēr crēbra crēbrum
becomingly, decently, properly, fitly
dēfīgō dēfīgere dēfīxī dēfīxus
to fix; render incapable of movement; dumbfound
dicāculus –a –um
digitus digitī m.
finger, toe
discēdō discēdere discessī discessum
to go away, depart
disputō disputāre disputāvī disputātus
to discuss, debate, argue
exstinguō exstinguere exstinxī exstinctus
to put out, extinguish, quench; kill, destroy