Apuleius, Met. 4.29 Flashcards
apprecor (adprecor) apprecārī
to pray to, to adore, worship (very rare, perh. only in Hor. and App.)
āra ārae f.
caelestis caeleste
from/of heaven
caerimōnia (caeremōnia) –ae f.
a religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony
cinis cineris m. or f.
ashes, embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation
Cnidus –ī f.
town on the coast of Caria, in SW Asia Minor, where Venus/Aphrodite was worshipped
commeō commeāre
to go and come, pass to and fro, move back and forth, go about
cōnfluō –fluere –flūxī —
to flow together, run together
cōnspectus conspectūs m.
view, range of sight; aspect, appearance, look; perception, contemplation, survey
cultus –a –um
cultivated; well-groomed; refined, sophisticated
Cythēra –ōrum n. or Cythērē –ēs f.
Cythera, an island south of Laconia, near which Venus was said to have been born of the foam of the sea
dēfōrmō dēfōrmāre dēfōrmāvī dēfōrmātus
to disfigure; clothe in mourning, sadden, darken
disserō –serere –sēvī –situm
To fix in the earth at intervals, to plant here and there
epulae epulārum (f. pl.)
banquet, feast
foedō foedāre foedāvī foedātus
to pollute, spoil, dishonor, defile
fremō fremere fremuī
to groan, roar
frequēns frequentis
crowded; numerous, full, frequented, populous; repeated, frequent, constant; frequens senatus: a senate with adequate attendance, a quorate senate
frīgidus –a –um
cold, cool, chilly, frigid; lifeless, indifferent, dull
immodicus –a –um
beyond bounds, beyond measure, excessive, unrestrained, unruly, immoderate
incendō incendere incendī incensus
to set on fire; set fire to, kindle, burn; cause to flame/burn; keep fire burning; scorch; make fiery hot (fever/thirst); light up; cause to glow; intensify; inspire, fire, rouse, excite, inflame; provoke, incense, aggravate
incorōnātus –a –um
indignātiō –ōnis f.
displeasure, indignation, disdain
īnsula īnsulae f.
island; apartment block
iter itineris n.
journey; road; passage, path; march [route magnum => forced march]
mātūtīnus –a –um
pertaining to Matuta, goddess of the morning; in the morning, early, morning (> Matuta)
meātus –ūs m.
a going; passage, course, movement, motion (> meo)
mortālis –e
subject to death, mortal; of mortal nature, lineage, or descent; earthly, human; made by man, mortal; subst., mortales, ium, c., mortals, men, mankind; mortalia, ium, n., human affairs; fortunes, woes (> mors)
nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus
to sail, navigate
neglegō neglegere neglēxī neglēctus
to disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise
opīniō opīniōnis f.
belief, idea, opinion; rumor
Paphos (–us) –ī f.
Paphos, a town in the western part of Cyprus, devoted to the worship of Venus
pervagor –vagārī
to wander over, range through, rove about, overrun
plācō plācāre plācāvī plācātus
to soothe, placate
platēa –ae f.
plūsculus –a –um
somewhat more, a little more
porrigō porrigere porrēxī porrēctum
to stretch forth, hold forth, lift; (pass.), to be stretched out, extend (> pro and rego)
praetereō praeterīre praeterīvī/praeteriī praeteritus
to pass/go by; disregard/neglect/omit/miss; surpass/excel; go overdue; pass over
prōcēdō prōcēdere prōcessī prōcessus
to proceed; advance; appear; come on stage
prōgressus –ūs m.
an advance, progress, a going forward; increase; course
propior propius; proximus –a –um
nearer; nearest
propitiō –āre
to render favorable, to appease, propitiate
pulvīnar –āris n.
a couch on which images of gods were placed at a banquet offered to the gods
quassō quassāre quassāvī quassātus
to shake violently, toss, brandish, wave
saeculum saeculī n.
age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; mortal race; present time/age; century; worldliness; the world; heathenism; time; past/present/future [in ~ => forever]
serō serere sēvī satum
to plant, sow
simulācrum simulācrī n.
likeness, image, statue
solvō solvere solvī solūtus
to loosen; pay, free, release; dissolve; (of ships) cast off, set sail
specimen –inis n.
a means of seeing or knowing; token, symbol, emblem (> specio, look)
supplicō –āre
to kneel down, humble oneself, pray humbly, beseech, beg, implore, supplicate
trānslātiō –ōnis f.
a carrying across, transfer, removal, transport; transformation
violent, severe, vehement; emphatic, vigorous, lively
viduus –a –um
deprived of a husband or wife, bereft, celibate; (of vines) unsupported by a tree
virgō virginis f.
maiden, young woman, girl of marriageable age; virgin
vultus vultūs m.
expression; face