Apuleius, Met. 11.5.1 and 11.5.3-4 (part) Flashcards
Aethiops –opis
caeles (coel–) –itis
heavenly, celestial; (as subst.) divinity
culmen –inis n.
summit, height, peak
dēplōrō –āre –āvī –ātus
to lament
dispensō –āre –āvī –ātum
arrange, control, manage
flāmen, inis, n.
wind, breeze
inlūcēscō, inlūcēscere
shine on; grow light, become illuminated, (of a day) dawn
inferī, inferōrum or inferum, m.pl.
the inhabitants of the underworld (the dead and the gods of the underworld)
Īsis Īsidis f.
the Egyptian goddess Isis, whose worship was popular in Rome and required an annual period of sexual abstinence from her followers
mānēs –ium m. pl
shades of the dead, the Underworld
multiiugus –a –um
with many things yoked together; many and varied
nūmen, nūminis, n.
divine power, deity
nūtus –ūs m.
nod, gesture of the head
percolo percolere percoluī percultum
to cultivate, honor
pollēō pollēre — —
to be strong, be powerful
prōgeniēs prōgenieī f.
propitius –a –um
propitious, favorable, well–disposed
speciēs specieī f.
aspect, form, appearance
uterque, utraque, utrumque
each of two