Antenatal Care Flashcards
What is sensitivity?
true positive/ (positive + false negative)
What is specificity?
true negative/ (negative + false positive)
What is done at the booking visit?
full history; exam- BMI; CVS; abdomen; Ix
What is Naegele’s Rule?
estimated due date based on LMP
When is the booking visit?
around 12 weeks
What investigations are done at the booking visit?
Hb; ABO; Rhesus; syphilis; HIV; hep B and C; UA; US
What is looked at on US at the booking visit?
confirm viability; singleton/mulitple pregnancy; estimate gestational age; major structural abnormalities; offer Down’s screening
What is the purpose of UA?
look for asymptomatic bacteruria; gestational DM; pre-eclampsia
How many pregnancies at the booking viist US won’t be viable?
1 in 5
What is the function of the yolk sac?
supports pregnnacy until placenta
What is done at follow up visits?
history- physical and mental health; fetal movements; BP and UA; symphysis-fundal height; lie and presentation; fetal heart auscultation
When is a transverse lie a problem in pregnnacy?
36/37 weeks
What are the problems with transverse lie?
cord prolapse; malposition eg breech
What is the still birth rate in pregnnacy?
1 in 200
What is done in an anomaly risk assessment in the first trimester?
increased nuchal thickenss
What blood test is done for fetal anomlaies in the 2nd trimester?
hCG and AFP
What is considered high risk for Down’s?
more than 1 in 250
What is placental praevia?
placenta is low lying in the womb and covers all or part of hte cervix
What is done is placental praevia is seen at a scan between 18-20+6 weeks?
offered abdo scan at 32 weeks