7.6.16 Flashcards
radial N: motor fx
- extend: arm, wrist, fingers
- supination
- thumb abduct
radial N: sensory fx
post arm, forearm, hand
what passes thru the supinator canal?
radial N
radial N injury at supinator canal: cause?
- repetitive pronation/supination
- direct trauma
- subluxation of radius
radial N injury at supinator canal: ssx
- weak finger/thumb extend (finger drop)
- no wrist drop
- no sensory deficits
renal papillary necrosis: commonly seen in?
- sickle cell dz/trait
- analgesic nephropathy (NSAID)
- DM
- severe obstructive pyelonephritis
renal papillary necrosis: classic presentation
- gross hematuria
- acute flank pain
- passage of tissue fragments in urine
McArdle dz: pathophys? ssx?
glycogen storage dz: deficient myophosphorylase –> isoenzyme of glycogen phosphorylase present in muscle tissue
decreased brkdown of glycogen during exercise:
- poor exercise tolerance
- muscle cramp
- rhabdomyolysis –> myoglobinuria
- no rise in blood lactate after exercise
Pompe dz: def? main features?
acid a-glucosidase –> lysosome can’t brkdown glucose
- normal glucose
- severe cardiomegaly
- glycogen accum in lysosomes
Cori dz: def? main features?
debranching enzyme
- hepatomegaly
- ketotic hypoglycemia
- hypotonia, weak
- abnormal glycogen w very short outer chains
von Gierke dz: def? main features?
glucose 6-phosphatase
- hepatomegaly
- steatosis
- fasting hypoglycemia
- lactic acidosis
- hyperuricemia
- hyperlipid
what is the purpose of blinding in clinical trials?
prevent observer bias: prevent pt/researcher expectancy from interfering w outcome
what gives elastin its rubber-like properties?
lysyl oxidase –> extensive crosslinking bw elastin monomers (desmosine crosslinks)
how does a1 antitrypsin def lead to early onset emphysema?
excessive alveolar elastin degradation
bronchial tree –> particle clearance?
mucociliary clearance: proximal transport of mucus by ciliated epithelial cells
distal to terminal bronchioles –> particle clearance?
alveolar macrophage
what is: HbF
what is: HbA2
thalassemia: what does B-null indicate?
absent B-globin
thalassemia: what does B+ indicate?
diminished B-globin
B-thalassemia: who?
- african
- mediterranean
B-thalassemia minor: genotype
B-thalassemia minor: ssx
usu asymptomatic w increased RBC count
B-thalassemia minor: histology? Hb electrophoresis?
- microcytic, hypochromic RBC
- target cells
Hb electrophoresis:
- slight decrease HbA
- increase HbA2
- increase HbF
B-thalassemia major: genotype
B-thalassemia major: onset
few months after birth –> severe anemia
vancomycin: MOA
direct bind D-ala-D-ala in cell wall –> prevent peptidoglycan formation
hepatitis E: what kind of virus? transmission?
unenveloped ssRNA –> fecal-oral
hepatitis E: #1 concerning feature
high mortality rate in infected preg F
dystrophic calcifcation –> indicatess?
hallmark of cell injury & death –> occurs in damaged, necrotic tissue
what is: metastatic calcification
hyperCa –> calcification of normal tissue
why would you see dystrophic calcifcation on the aortic valve? how does it manifest?
chronic hemodynamic stress –> endothelial, fibroblast death
aortic sclerosis –> usu benign –> over time –> calcific aortic stenosis
isoproterenol: what is? effect?
B1 & B2 agonist:
- increase myocardial contractility
- decrease SVR
hepatocell damage: indicators
increased: ALT, AST
biliary injury: indicators
increased: alk phos, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
liver fx: indicators
impaired biosyn capacity:
- elevated prothrombin time
- hypoalbumin
impaired transport, metab capacity:
- elevated bilirubin
aromatase: rxn
testosterone –> estradiol
aromatase inh: drugs
- anastrozole
- letrozole
- exemestane
aromatase inh: MOA
decrease estrogen syn from androgen –> suppress estrogen level –> slow progression of ER+ breast cancer
what are the parts of an advance directive?
1) living will: end of life wishes, other specific directives
2) health care proxy
when should you do advance care planning?
- ideally in outpt w PCP
- essential when admitted to hosp
humerus –> midshaft fracture –> may injure?
- deep brachial A
- radial N
what A runs with radial N at post aspect of humerus?
deep brachial A
what is: diffuse esophageal spasm
esophageal myenteric plexus –> impaired inh innervation –> periodic, simult, non-peristaltic contractions
diffuse esophageal spasm: ssx
- liq/solid dysphagia
- chest pain
what is: reverse T3
inactive form of T3 generated from peripheral conversion of T4
how do you dx celiac dz?
- screening test: elevated tissue transglutaminase IgA
- confirmatory test: duodenal bx –> villous flattening, intraepi lymphocyte infiltration
hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC): aka
Lynch synd
what is: HNPCC
AD genetic predisposition to colon CA
HNPCC: mutation
DNA mismatch repair genes –> MSH2, MLH1, MSH6, PMS2
HNPCC: presentation
colonic adenoCA at young age (
Lynch synd: assoc neoplasms
- colorectal
- endom
- ovarian
APC mutation –> leads to
familial adenomatous polyposis
familial adenomatous polyposis: mutation? assoc neoplasm?
- colorectal
- desmoid & osteoma
- brain tumor
von Hippel-Lindau synd: mutation? assoc neoplasm?
- hemangioblastoma
- clear cell renal CA
- pheochromocytoma
Li-Fraumeni synd: mutation? assoc neoplasm?
- sarcoma
- breast cancer
- brain tumor
- adrenocortical CA
- leukemia
what hereditary cancer synd is caused by an activating mutation?
lab test –> lower cutoff point –> what happens to:
- TP
- FP
- FN
- sensitivity
- TP: increase
- FP: increase increase
- FN: decrease
- sensitivity: increase
- PPV: decrease
enteric bact produce what vit?
- vitK
- folate
small intestinal bact overgrowth (SIBO): charact
- overproduction of vitK, folate
- nausea
- bloat
- abd discomfort
- malabsorption: deficiency of most vit (B12, A, D, E, iron)
small intestinal bact overgrowth (SIBO) is seen in?
gastric bypass surg: excessive bact prolif in blind-ended gastroduodenal segment
transketolase: fx
pentose phosphate pathway –> nonoxidative (reversible) br –> ribose-5-phosphate for nucleotide syn
interconversion of ribose-5-phosphate (nucleotide precursor) & fructose 6 phosphate (glycolytic interm)
what is the NADPH generated from the pentose phosphate pathway used for?
- chol & fa syn
- glutathione antioxidant mechanism
succinylcholine –> who is at high risk for hyperK?
- burn
- myopathy
- crush injury
- denervating injury, dz
succinylcholine: MOA
depolarizing NM-blocking agent: attach to nAChR –> depolarize end plate:
- phase 1 block: end plate depolarized –> flaccid paralysis
- phase II block: nAChR become desensitized to succinylcholine –> gradual repolarization –> non-depolarizing blockade
succinylcholine: AE
- malig hyperthermia
- severe hyperK
- bradycardia/tachycardia
hyperK –> leads to?
life threatening arrhythmia
what is: placenta accreta
placenta adhered to myometrium
what is the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage?
uterine atony: fail of uterus to contract adeq after delivery
how can placenta accreta occur?
prior surg (C-section) –> scar tissue –> malformed or absent decidual layer bw placenta & myometrium –> villous tissue direct attach to myometrium
which has higher distending pressure: small or lrg sphere? why?
Laplace’s law: distending pressure (pressure required to keep sphere distended):
- directly proportional to surface tension
- inversely proportional to radius
which will collapse first: small or lrg sphere? why?
what would counteract this?
small –> higher distending pressure
surfactant: decrease surface tension as alveolar radius decrease –> counteract alveolar collapse
cyclosporine: MOA
inh nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) from enter nucleus –> modulate transcription activity –> impair IL2 production & release –> inh IL2-induced activation of resting T cells
what is: etanercept
recombinant form of TNF receptor –> bind TNFa
topical vitD analog: drugs
- calcipotriene
- calcitriol
- tacalcitol
topical vitD analog: MOA? use?
bind vitD receptor:
- inh keratinocyte prolif
- stim keratinocyte differentiation
subthalamic nucleus: fx
modulation of basal ganglia output
damage to subthalamic nucleus –> leads to?
decrease excitation to globus pallidus internus –> reduce inh of thalamus –> contralat hemiballism –> wild, involuntary, lrg amplitude, flinging mvmts of proximal limbs (arm and/or leg)
damage to subthalamic nucleus: #1 cause
lacunar stroke (conseq of longstanding HTN, DM)
what makes up most of the heart’s ant surface?
penetrating injury to L sternal border at 4th intercostal space would puncture?
CSF: viral pattern
- elevated protein
- normal glucose
- lymphocytic predominance
CSF: bact pattern
- elevated protein
- low glucose
- neutrophilic predominance
what is a L shift on Hb-O2 dissociation curve? cause?
increased Hb-O2 affinity –> O2 less avail to tissues
- increased pH
- decrease 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate
- decrease temp
neurofibromatosis type 1: cause? ssx?
AD –> NF1 gene
- cafe au lait spots
- mult neurofibroma
- Lisch nodules
- pseudoarthrosis
what is: Lisch nodules
pigmented asymptomatic hamartoma of iris
severe combined immune def (SCID): pathophys? ssx?
combined T & B cell dysfx –> present in infancy:
- severe bact & viral infect
- mucocut candidiasis
- persistent diarrhea
- fail to thrive
SCID: lab findings
- absent T cells
- hypoIg
- no thymic shadow (d/t severe T cell def)
what is: CFRT protein
transmembrane ATP-gated Cl- channel
leukemoid rxn: cause
- severe infect
- severe hemorrhage
- malig (ie leukemia)
- acute hemolysis
leukemoid rxn: histology
- increased bands
- early mature neutrophil precursors (myelocytes)
- basophilic granules (Dohle bodies) in neutrophils
lung abscess: tx? why?
clindamycin –> covers anaerobic oral flora + aerobic bact
what is depersonalization/derealization disorder? how is it diff from psychotic disorders?
dissociative disorder involving recurrent episodes of feeling detached from one’s body and/or feelings of unreality
intact reality testing
what is: depersonalitzation
sense of being outside observer of self
what is: derealization
sense of detachment or unreality regarding surroundings
vesicoureteral reflux: what is most susceptible to reflux-induced damage? how does this present?
compound papilla in upper & lower poles of kidney –> dilated calyces w overlying renal cortical scarring
vesicoureteral reflux –> can lead to?
loss of nephrons –> 2ndary HTN
nasal mucosal ulceration + glomerulonephritis –> indicates?
granulomatosis w polyangiitis (Wegener’s)
granulomatosis w polyangiitis (Wegener’s): what Ab will you find? where?
C-ANCA (cytoplasmic-staining antineutrophil cytoplasmic Ab)
cardiac tissue conduction velocity: fastest–>slowest
“Park At Venture Ave”:
- Purkinje
- Atrial muscle
- Ventricular muscle
- AV node
Zollinger-Ellison synd –> leads to?
- peptic ulcer dz
- parietal cell hyperplasia –> gastric fold enlargement
sulfonylurea: MOA
increase insulin secretion by pancreatic B cells indep of blood glucose []
sulfonylurea: drug
- glyburide
- glimepiride
sulfonylurea: AE
hypoglyemia –> esp elderly
chloramphenicol: AE
- dose-dep (reversible) cytopenia: anemia, leukopenia, and/or thrombocytopenia
- dose-indep (irrev) aplastic anemia
septic abortion: presentation
after preg termination:
- fever
- abd pain
- uterine tenderness
- foul smelling discharge
septic abortion: cause
bact seeding of uterine cavity during instrumentation –> usu Staph aureus, E.coli
septic abortion: tx
- broad spectrum abx
- prompt surgical evacuation –> remv nidus of infection
what is: septic abortion
any type of abortion resulting in infected retained products of conception
septic abortion: comp
adhesions in uterine cavity –> Asherman synd (2ndary amenorrhea, infertile)
what cytokines induce the systemic inflamm response?
- IL1
- IL6
- TNFa
TNFa –> high concentration –> can lead to?
ssx of septic shock & cachexia
IFNgamma: fx? produced by?
activated T cell
- recruit leukocytes
- activate phagocytosis
IL3: fx? produced by?
activated T cell
stimulate growth & differentiation of stem cells in BM
IL4: fx? produced by?
- stim growth of B cells
- increase # of TH2 cells at site of inflamm
IL10: fx? produced by?
macrophage, TH2
anti-inflamm –> limit production of pro-inflamm cytokines (IFNgamma, IL2, IL3, TNFa)
glomangioma: what is? origin?
benign glomus tumor –> very tender, small, red-blue lesion under nailbed
originates from modified smooth muscle cells that ctrl thermoreg fx of dermal glomus bodies
what is: bursa
fluid-filled synovial sac that serves to alleviate pressure from bony prominences and reduce friction bw muscles & tendons
repetitive, prolonged kneeling –> leads to?
prepatellar bursitis –> ant knee pain
CD18 def –> indicates?
leukocyte adhesion def
leukocyte adhesion def: pathophys
absence of CD18 antigens necess for formation of integrins –> fail of leukocyte chemotaxis
leukocyte adhesion def: ssx
- recurrent skin, mucosal infect –> no purulence
- delayed sep of umbilical cord
- persistent leukocytosis
delirium: tx
low dose antipsych (haloperidol) –> acute tx of agitation & psychosis assoc w delirium
what is: delirium
acute onset “confusional state” charact primarily by waxing/waning mental status change and impaired attention
what is the most common hemolytic anemia?
hereditary spherocytosis
chronic hemolysis –> can lead to what in gallbladder?
pigmented gallstones
RBC lyse –> high bilirubin
hereditary spherocytosis: comp
- pigmented gallstone
- aplastic crisis from parvovirus B19
primaquine: use
eradicate hypnozoites in P vivax & ovale infections
hospital discharge –> what is the most effective strategy for decreasing adverse outcomes and preventing avoidable readmissions?
hospital discharge checklist
spinal stenosis: location
spinal stenosis: ssx
- posture-dep LE pain: worse w lumbar extension, better w flexion
- numb, paresthesia
- weak
spinal stenosis: #1 cause
degen arthritis of spine:
- intervertebral disc herniation
- ligamentum flavum hypertrophy
- osteophyte formation affecting facet jts
==> narrow spinal canal
aedes aegypti mosquito transmits?
- dengue fever
- chikungunya
dengue fever: presentation
acute febrile illness w HA, retro-orbital pain, jt & muscle pain
chikungunya: presentation
febrile illness w flu-like ssx, prominent polyarthralgias, diffuse macular rash
bony pain in an older man w osteoblastic lesions –> indicates?
prostate cancer
what cancers that metastasis to bone make osteoblastic lesions?
- prostate cancer
- small cell lung CA
- Hodgkin lymphoma
elevated PTH-related peptide –> indicates?
non-small cell lung cancer
sickle cell dz –> what happens to spleen?
vasoocclusive events –> repeated splenic infarcts –> fibrosis & atrophy –> asplenia
chronic hemolytic anemia –> can lead to what vit def?
folic acid def d/t increased RBC turnover
C1 inh (C1INH) def: pathophys
low C1 inh:
- increase cleavage of C2 & C4 –> inapprop activation of complement cascade
- can’t block kallikrein-induced conversion of kininogen to bradykinin –> increased bradykinin
what is: Jervell and Lange-Nielsen synd
congenital long-QT synd –> AR:
- QT prolong: syncope, sudden cardiac death from torsades
- neurosensory deaf
what is: Pringle maneuver
occlude portal triad to disting source of RUQ bleed –> if bleed not stop –> injury to IVC, hepatic V
portal triad –> runs thru?
hepatoduodenal lig
portal triad: composed of?
- hepatic A
- portal V
- common bile duct
secretory phase of menstrual cycle: when?
day 15-28
prolif phase of menstrual cycle: when?
day 1-14
secretory phase of menstrual cycle: histology
- coiled uterine glands –> secrete glycogen-rich mucus
- edematous stroma
- tortuous spiral A –> extend from deeper layers to uterine lumen
prolif phase of menstrual cycle: histology
- straight narrow glands –> no secretions
- compact, non-edematous stroma
- spiral A only at deeper layers
humoral hyperCa of malig: cause
malig –> secrete PTHrP
fibrate: MOA
activate peroxisome prolif-activated receptor alpha:
- increase LPL activity
- decrease hepatic VLDL production
==> lower TG levels
omega 3 fa: MOA
decrease production of VLDL, apoB –> lower TG
what is most similar bw systemic & pulm circ?
blood flow per min
accessory nipple: pathophy
failed regression of mammary ridge in utero
what is: progestin
synthetic equivalent to progresterone –> responsible for preg prevention in all hormonal contraceptives
combined hormonal contraceptive: MOA
suppress GnRH in hypo –> decrease FSH, LH syn –> no LH spike –> inh ovulation
how do you differentiate precursor B-ALL vs T-ALL?
- precursor B-ALL: TdT+, CD10+, CD19+
- precursor T-ALL: TdT, CD1, CD2, CD5
Down synd: assoc w what quadruple screen results?
- maternal serum a-fetoprotein: low
- estriol: low
- B-hCG: high
- inhibin A: high
low maternal serum a-fetoprotein (MSAFP) –> indicates?
aneuploidy –> trisomy 18, 21
high maternal serum a-fetoprotein (MSAFP) –> indicates?
- open neural tube defect
- mult gestation
- abd wall defect
chronic lymphocytic (Hashimoto) thyroiditis: histology
- intense lymphocytic infiltrate
- germinal center
- Hurthle cells: lrg oxyphilic cells filled w granular cyto