7.4.16 Flashcards
gluconeogenesis: unique enzymes
- pyruvate decarboxylase
- phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK)
- fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
- glucose 6 phosphatase
choriocarcinoma: ssx
- abnormal vag bleed
- uterine enlrg
- sig increased B-hCG
- hematogenous spread –> lung –> dyspnea, hemoptysis
what can increase incidence of statin-induced myopathy?
concomitant admin of drug that inh CYP450 –> inh statin metab
heme oxygenase: rxn
degrade heme to biliverdin –> green color of bruise
Chiari type I vs II
I: relatively benign –> adult –> occipital HA, cerebellar dysfx
- II: more severe –> neonate –> assoc w lumbar myelomeningocele, hydrocephalus
what is: Lambert-Eaten myasthenic synd
NM disorder presenting w:
- proximal muscle weak
- CN involvement
- autonomic ssx
abd/pelvic trauma: comp
retroperitoneal hematoma
what releases IL-5?
ulnar N: sensory fx
mid ring –> pinky
tRNA –> 3’ CCA tail: fx
- recog seq by proteins
- its terminal -OH grp serves as aa binding site
how does chronic kidney dz lead to renal osteodystrophy?
hyperphosphate –> hypocalc –> 2ndary PTH
migraine: acute tx
triptan –> abortive tx
how is S3 best heard?
L lat decubitus at end expiration
ectopic preg: RF
- endometriosis
membranous nephropathy: nephritic or nephrotic?
subdural hematoma: CT scan
crescent-shaped mass
ulnar N injury: location
- medial epicondyle of humerus (funny bone)
- Guyon’s canal: near hook of hamate, pisiform
essential tremor: mode of inheritance
when does neurosyphilis occur?
any stage of infect
what is: myopia
nearsighted: can’t focus on far object –> image focus in front of retina
measles: neuro comp
- w/in days: encephalitis
- wks: acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
- yrs: subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
what drug prolongs QT but has low risk of torsades?
intercostal V/A/N: location
subcostal groove on lower border of rib
SLE w Cushing synd –> died of LCA thrombus –> what increased risk of CAD?
cushing synd & lupus both increase risk of CAD
SLE: most common renal dz
diffuse prolif GN
amatoxin: MOA
poison from mushroom (Amanita phalloides, death cap) –> inh RNA pol II –> halt mRNA syn
what is: Chiari malformation
congenital disorder: post fossa underdev –> cerebellum, medulla –> herniate thru foramen magnum
piriformis: passes thru what?
greater sciatic foramen
what can cause a subdural hematoma in the young? elder? how does it present?
- young: fall, motor vehicle accident –> gradual onset HA, confuse
- elder: minor trauma –> variety of neuro ssx
what are the parts of tRNA?
- acceptor stem
- 3’ CCA tail
- D loop
- anticodon loop
- T loop
ulnar N: motor fx
- finger adduct
- finger abduct (except thumb)
- digit 4 & 5: flex
- wrist: flex, adduct
ectopic preg: classic presentation
lower abd pain few weeks after missed period
bipolar disorder –> tx –> why not use antidep?
risk of precipitating mania
hepatic encephalopathy: precipitating factors
- drugs
- hypovol
- excessive N load
- infect
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy: pathophys
profound systemic hypotension (cardiac arrest, shock) –> disminish blood supply to entire brain –> global cerebral ischemia:
- in 5-10 sec –> syncope
- 4-5min –> permanent brain damage
choriocarcinoma is commonly preceded by?
normal preg but can occur following any preg (molar, ectopic, aborted)
Lambert-Eaten myasthenic synd: pathophys
Ab against presynaptic Ca channel of NMJ –> can’t release ACh
what is: Crigler-Najjar synd
AR –> no UGT –> no bile glucuronidation –> unconjugated hyperbilirubin –> kernicterus –> death