6.29.16 Flashcards
hypoCa: ssx
- muscle cramp
- perioral paresthesia
- hypotension
- NM hyperexcitable
cavernous sinus thrombosis: ssx
- HA
- fever
- proptosis
- ipsilat deficits in CN III, IV, VI, V (ophthalmic & maxillary br)
what is: washout period
crossover study: period of no tx bw trtmt intervals to limit confounding effects of prior tx
adenine at end of tRNA: fx
aa binding site
xanthelasma: assoc dz
1ary, 2ndary hyper/dys-lipidemia
clomiphene: MOA
estrogen receptor modulator –> decrease neg feedback inh on hypothalamus by circulating estrogen –> increase gonadotropin (FSH & LH) production –> ovulation
LA enlarge –> leads to?
compress esophagus –> dysphagia
Dandy Walker malformation: clinical presentation
- dev delay
- progressive skull enlrg
- cerebellar dysfx
- non-communicating hydrocephalus
pulm HTN: comp
cor pulmonale (RV fail)
opportunistic infections in HIV –> toxoplasma gondii –> prophylactic? when?
MVP: #1 cause
mitral valve CT protein defect –> predispose to myxomatous degen of mitral leaflets & chordae tendinae
PCOS pt –> desire fertility –> tx?
ubiquitin proteasome pathway: fx in immune response
degrade foreign intracell proteins –> viral particles –> antigen presentation on MHC class I
pyruvate kinase def: pathophys
insuff ATP production –> cannot maintain RBC struct –> hemolytic anemia
splenic parenchyma –> increase work to remv deformed RBCs –> splenic hyperplasia
what is the most common indicator of obesity-related dz? what else might you find?
reduced ERV –> reduce FRC
decreased: FEV1, FVC, TLC
release of sarcoplasmic Ca stores following NM Ach stim allows?
synchronization of skeletal muscle contraction & glycogen brkdown –> provide energy necess for anaerobic muscle contract
toxic megacolon: what dx studies are CI?
- barium contrast
- colonoscopy
- -> risk for perforation
VSD: onset
neonatal period after pulm vasc resistance has declined –> enable L-to-R shunting
where is the descending aorta?
post to esophagus & LA
what is: case-ctrl study
1) select pts w dz (case)
2) no dz (ctrl)
- -> determine previous exposure status
what aa play an important role in transporting N throughout body?
- alanine
- glutamine
toxic megacolon: ssx
- abd pain/ distention
- bloody diarrhea
- fever
- signs of shock
renal cell CA: cell of origin
epithelial cells of proximal renal tubules
retinal artery occlusion –> leads to?
acute, painless, monocular vision loss
opportunistic infections in HIV –> mycobact avium complex –> prophylactic? when?
what is: expiratory reserve vol
max vol of air that can be expired after normal tidal expiration
viral bronchiolitis: ssx
- low grade fever
- cough
- tachypnea
- increased work of breathing –> retractions
- diffuse wheezes, crackles
ophthalmic V injury: ssx
impaired venous drainage:
- proptosis (eye protrusion)
- chemosis (conjunctival swelling)
what should you do if you suspect a VSD?
echocardiography –> confirm size & location
how are proteins marked to go to lysosome?
phosphotransferase enzyme –> phosphorylate specific mannose residues –> ensure proper transit thru Golgi apparatus
viral bronchiolitis: most common cause
how is acid primarily excreted in urine?
in the form of NH4+ & titratable acids (H2PO4-)
what can lead to a C diff infection?
absence of normal intestinal microbial flora
lobar pneumonia –> resolution: key features
microscopic: enzymatic digestion of exudate
gross: restoration of normal architecture
hairy cell leukemia: how dx?
- BM bx
- flow cytometry (has replaced tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity testing)
what are the 2 categories of ssx of hypoglycemia?
- neurogenic (autonomic)
- neuroglycopenic
what is: xanthelasma
type of xanthoma –> yellowish macule/papule on medial eyelid –> dermal accumulation of macrophages containing chol & TG
renal cell CA: gross appearance
golden yellow mass d/t high lipid content in cells –> “clear cell”
esophagus is in closest proximity to what part of the heart?
free ammonia: fx
excreted into urine by kidney for acid-base reg
1ary biliary cirrhosis –> can lead to?
lobar pneumonia –> red hepatization: key features
day 2-3
microscopic: alveolar exudate –> RBC, neutrophil, fibrin
gross: red, firm –> liver-like consistency
Lyme dx: tx? use?
- doxycycline –> erythema chronicum migrans
- PCN-type abx –> ceftriaxone –> prevent progress to late Lyme dz
what part of the spleen undergoes hyperplasia in pyruvate kinase def?
red pulp –> reticuloendothelial cells in red pulp involved in remval of damaged RBCs
hairy cell leukemia –> BM fail –> pathophys?
infiltrate BM –> cytokine –> fibrosis –> BM fail –> pancytopenia
C diff infect: #1 RF?
abx tx
thyroid surg –> can injure what N? why?
recurrent laryngeal N
close proximity to inf thyroid A
opportunistic infections in HIV –> histoplasma capsulatum –> prophylactic? when?
hypoglycemia: neurogenic (autonomic) ssx
sympathoadrenal activation:
- NE/Epi: tremulous, palpitation, anxiety/arousal
- ACh: sweat, hunger, paresthesia
VSD: clinical presentation
depend on size of defect:
- small –> asympt holosystolic murmur
- lrg –> HF
viral bronchiolitis: onset
what is: crossover study
subject randomly allocated to seq of 2 or more tx given consecutively