7.5.16 Flashcards
what inh prolactin release?
dopamine secretion from hypo
AL amyloidosis: histology
- eosinophilic extracell deposit
- apple green birefringence w Congo red stain under polarized light
what is: lesser omentum
double layer of peritoneum that extend from liver to lesser curv of stomach & beginning of duodenum –> 2 parts:
- hepatogastric lig
- hepatoduodenal lig
acute rheumatic fever: comp
chronic valvular dz –> mitral regurg, stenosis
fidaxomicin: gen charact
- macrocyclic abx
- bacteriocidal
- oral admin
- minimal systemic absorption
when should you suspect SIADH?
hypoNa + lung mass
what is: alpha-1 antitrypsin
major serum inh of neutrophil elastase
plasma cell: charact appearance
- abundant basophilic cyto
- eccentrically placed nucelus
- “clock face” distribution of nuclear chromatin
- perinuclear pale zone
what is: acute acalculous cholecystitis
acute inflamm of gallbladder in absence of gallstones
Goodpasture synd: pathophys
autoAb against BM collagen –> inflamm destruction:
- renal glomeruli
- lung alveoli
what can cause hyperprolactinemia?
decreased dopamine:
- antipsych, antidep –> block dopamine D2 receptors
- suprasellar, infundibular lesion –> disrupt dopaminergic pathway
exclusively ketogenic aa
- lysine
- leucine
when should you suspect ASA intoxication?
- fever
- tinnitis
- tachypnea
when should you suspect mucormycosis?
DKA –> face pain, HA, black necrotic eschar in nasal cavity
NOD2 mutation –> leads to?
decrease activity of NF-kB –> reduce cytokine production –> impair innate barrier fx of intestinal mucosa –> intestinal microbe –> exagg response by adaptive immune system –> chronic GI inflamm
what hormone is necess for maintenance of preg?
what stimulates renal ammoniagenesis?
how induce hemostasis in a pt w hemophilia?
admin thrombin
abdominal aortic aneurysm: pathophys
transmural inflamm –> chronic –> proteases degrade elastin & collagen:
- lose elastin
- lose smooth muscle
- collagen –> abnormal remodeling & crosslinking –>
==> weaken wall
external auditory canal: sensory innervation
- post wall: vagus N –> small auricular br
- rest: trigeminal N –> mandibular division
what is: ventromedial nucleus
center of satiety
idiopathic pulm fibrosis: CT
patchy involvement –> usu subpleural, paraseptal spaces:
- dense fibrosis
- “honeycomb” changes (formation of cystic spaces)
- fibroblastic foci
duodenal peptic ulcer: cause
H pylori
what is: chronic myelogenous leukemia
unctrled mature granulocyte production –> mostly neutrophils, but also basophil, eosinophil
what is: vasovagal syncope
stim vagus N –> parasym outflow –> decrease HR, BP –> syncope
what is: Osler-Weber-Rendu synd
AD –> telangiectasias –> skin & mucus membrane:
- lips
- oronasopharynx
- resp tract
- GI
- urinary
chronic hemolysis can lead to?
iron deposition in kidney (hemosiderosis)
paroxsymal nocturnal Hburia: pathophys
mutated phosphatidylinositol glycan class A (PIGA) gene –> cannot syn glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor protein –> can’t attach CD55 decay acclerating factor blood cells –> can’t inh C3 convertase –> can’t inactivate complement –> unctrled complement-med hemolysis
mult myeloma –> infect –> pathophys
increased monoclonal Ab –> lack antigenic diversity –> infection
diphtheria vaccine: MOA
induce production of circulating IgG against exotoxin B subunit
lesion to ventromedial nucleus –> leads to?
hyperphagia –> obesity
orbital blowout fracture –> inferior orbital wall –> can lead to herniation into?
maxillary sinus
mesothelioma: #1 RF
asbestos exposure
what is: ristocetin test
cause vWF bind GP1b –> induce platelet aggregation
cryptoorchidism: what happens to leydig cell?
nothing –> normal fx –> normal 2ndary sex charact, sex performance
differentiate: CML vs leukemoid rxn
- leukemoid rxn: normal/elevated leukocyte (neutrophil) alk phos
- CML: decreased
mult myeloma –> hyperCa –> pathophys
activate osteoclast
hypoNa: ssx
altered mental status
mifespristone: what is? use? MOA?
MOA: progesterone ant –> block progesterone receptor –> apoptosis & necrosis of uterine decidua
use: + misoprostol (PGE1 agonist) –> terminate 1st trimester preg
mult myeloma –> anemia –> pathophys
BM infiltration –> suppress normal hematopoiesis –> normocytic, normochromic anemia
musculocutaneous N: nerve roots
growth factors that promote angiogenesis
- vascular endothelial GF (VEGF)
- fibroblast GF (FGF)
enteropeptidase def: ssx
protein & fat malabsorption:
- diarrhea
- fail to thrive
- hypoproteinemia –> edema
what area of the brain has greatest atrophy in Alzheimer’s dz?
carcinoid tumor: histology
islands or sheets of uniforms cells:
- eosinophilic cyto
- oval to round stippled nuclei
pericardial knock: seen in?
constrictive pericarditis
vWF: fx
1) bind glycoprotein (GP) 1b recetpors on platelet –> mediate platelet aggregation & adhesion to subendo collagen
2) carrier for factor VIII –> prolong its halflife
what causes centriacinal emphysema?
heavy smoking
how can Crohn’s dz lead to gallstones?
terminal ileum involved –> can’t resorb bile acid –> supersat bile w chol –> gallstone
pilocystic astrocytoma: histology
well-differentiated neoplasm:
- spindle cells w hair-like glial processes –> assoc w microcysts
- Rosenthal fibers (thick eosinophilic processes of astrocytes) + granular eosinophilic bodies
idiopathic pulm fibrosis: features
- progressive exertional dyspnea, dry cough
- restrictive profile on pulm fx test
- interstitial fibrosis w cystic air space enlrgment
GERD: histology
- basal zone hyperplasia
- elongation of lamina propria papillae
- scattered eosinophils