Words declined like the indefinite article Flashcards
What is the German possessive adjective for :
This word declines like the indefinite article
What is the German possessive adjective for :
your (informal)
This word declines like the indefinite article
What is the German possessive adjective for :
This word declines like the indefinite article
What is the German possessive adjective for :
This word declines like the indefinite article
What is the German possessive adjective for :
This word declines like the indefinite article
What is the German possessive adjective for :
your (plural)
This word declines like the indefinite article
What is the German possessive adjective for :
This word declines like the indefinite article
What is the German possessive adjective for :
your (polite)
This word declines like the indefinite article
Decline in the nominative case
mein (my)
- mein (masc)
- meine (fem)
- mein (neut)
- meine (plural)
This word declines like the indefinite article
Decline in the accusative case
mein (my)
- meinen (masc)
- meine (fem)
- mein (neut)
- meine (plural)
This word declines like the indefinite article
Decline in the genitive case
mein (my)
- meines (masc)
- meiner (fem)
- meines (neut)
- meiner (plural)
This word declines like the indefinite article
Decline in the dative case
mein (my)
- meinem (masc)
- meiner (fem)
- meinem (neut)
- meinen (plural)
This word declines like the indefinite article
Translate to German
My little brother wants to come too
Mein kleiner Bruder will auch mitkommen
Adjectives get the same endings that they would with the indef article
Translate to German
Where is your old car?
Wo steht dein altes Auto?
Adjectives get the same endings that they would with the indef article
Translate to German
He plays football with his aunt
Er spielt Fußball mit seiner Tante
Adjectives get the same endings that they would with the indef article
Translate to German
What’s wrong with your computer?
Was ist mit Ihrem Computer los?
Adjectives get the same endings that they would with the indef article
Translate to German
Her children are really spoiled.
Ihre Kinder sind wirklich verwöhnt.
Adjectives get the same endings that they would with the indef article
Translate to German
How is your sister?
Wie geht es deiner Schwester?
Adjectives get the same endings that they would with the indef article
Translate to German
I want to see my children regularly.
Ich will meine Kinder regelmäßig sehen.
Adjectives get the same endings that they would with the indef article
Translate to German
I have to show some stupid tourists around
Ich muss irgendwelche blöden Touristen herumführen
irgendwelcher is the plural of irgendein
Translate to German
He loves his old car
Er liebt sein altes Auto
Adjectives get the same endings that they would with the indef article
Translate to German
She sold her new computer
Sie hat ihren neuen Computer verkauft
Adjectives get the same endings that they would with the indef article
Translate to German
Where is your red jacket?
Wo ist deine rote Jacke?
Adjectives get the same endings that they would with the indef article