Emphasizers Flashcards
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But this is nice
Das ist aber schön
aber adds emphasis
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But this jacket is expensive!
Diese Jacke ist aber teuer!
aber adds emphasis
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What’s going on here
Was ist denn hier los?
denn adds emphasis
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Where, then?
Wo denn?
denn adds emphasis
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Did you not like it? - oh yes I do.
Hat es dir nicht gefallen? - Doch
Doch can be used as a positive reply to a negative question
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Just leave him?
Lass ihn doch?
Doch can be used to strengthen an imperative
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Can you do that?
Das schaffst du doch?
Doch can make a question out of a statement
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Come over here!
Komm mal her!
Mal can be used with imperatives
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One moment please
Moment mal, bitte
Mal can be used with imperatives
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Let’s see.
Mal sehen.
Mal can be used in informal language
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Hören Sie mal
Mal can be used in informal language
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Just let him try it
Er soll es nur mal versuchen
Mal can be used in informal language
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That could be true
Dass kann ja sein
Ja can strengthen a statement
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He looks like his mother
Er sieht ja wie seine Mutter aus
Ja can strengthen a statement
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Yes and?
Ja und?
Ja can be used in informal language