Comparatives of adjectives Flashcards
What do comparative adjectives do?
Compare people or things
slower, more beautiful
What is the comparative of
einfach (simple)
einfacher (simpler)
Add -er to the simple form of adjective to formm the comparative
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Das war viel einfacher für dich
That was much easier for you
Add -er to the simple form of adjective to formm the comparative
What is the comparative of
teuer (expensive)
Adjectives ending in -er may drop the final -e in the comparative form
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This jacket is more expensive
Diese Jacke ist teurer
Adjectives ending in -er may drop the final -e in the comparative form
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He is smaller than his sister
Er ist kleiner als seine Schwester
use als to compare
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This question is easier than the first
Diese Frage ist einfacher als die erste
use als to compare
Translate to German
She is as good as her brother
Sie ist so gut wie ihr Bruder
so … wie = same as
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He was just as happy as I was
Er war genauso glücklich wie ich
genauso … wie = same as
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She is not as old as you
Sie ist nicht so alt wie du
so … wie = same as
What is the comparative of
alt (old)
älter (older)
Some common adjectives require a vowel change in the comparative
What is the comparative of
stark (strong)
stärker (stronger)
Some common adjectives require a vowel change in the comparative form
What is the comparative of
schwach (weak)
schwächer (weaker)
Some common adjectives require a vowel change in the comparative form
What is the comparative of
scharf (sharp)
schärfer (sharper)
Some common adjectives require a vowel change in the comparative form
What is the comparative of
lang (long)
länger (longer)
Some common adjectives require a vowel change in the comparative form