Questions Flashcards
How can a question be asked in German?
- Changing the word order
- By adding nicht, nicht wahr, order or doch
- By using a question word
Translate to German
Did you see it?
Haben Sie es gesehen?
Normal word order is reversed, ie the verb comes first
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Do you like him?
Magst du ihn?
Normal word order is reversed, ie the verb comes firdst
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Thats true, isnt it?
Das stimmt, nicht wahr?
nicht wahr is added to a sentence to turn it into a question
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The food’s ready, isnt it?
Das Essen ist fertig, nicht?
nicht is added to a sentence to turn it into a question
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They’ll do it, won’t they?
Sie machen das, oder?
oder is added to a sentence to turn it into a question
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You’ll manage, won’t you?
Das schaffst du doch?
doch is added to a sentence to turn it into a question
Translate to German
Don’t you believe me? - Yes, I do!
Glaubst du mir nicht? - Doch!
doch answers a negative question in the positive.
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Translate to German
Translate to German
When did he come?
Wann ist er gekommen?
Verb and subject have exchanged places
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Where are you off to?
Wo willst du hin?
Verb and subject have exchanged places
Translate to German
How did you do that?
Wie haben Sie das gemacht?
Verb and subject have exchanged places
Translate to German
Why did she get up so late?
Warum ist sie so spät aufgestanden?
Verb and subject have exchanged places
Translate to German
Where do you come from?
Woher kommst du?
Use woher/wohin when direction is involved?
Translate to German
Where are you going?
Wohin fahren Sie?
Use woher/wohin when direction is involved?
Translate to German
Who did that?
Wer hat das gemacht?
Normal word order as wer is the subject
Translate to German
Who did you give it to?
Wem hast du es geschenkt?
Wem is not the subject, so verb and subject swap places
Translate to German
She asked if you wanted to come?
Sie fragte, ob du mitkommen wolltest.
With an indirect question, the verb of asking comes last