Personal Pronouns : after prepositions Flashcards
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I went for a walk with him
Ich bin mit ihm spazieren gegangen
When a pronoun (person) is used with a preposition use the right case
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Manuela had gotten a knife and wanted to cut the cake with it
Manuela hatte ein Messer geholt und wollte damit den Kuchen schneiden
When a pronoun (thing) is used with a preposition add da(r)-
What pronoun is formed from preposition
an (at)
daran (at it)
If the preposition starts with a vowel, use dar
What pronoun is formed from preposition
auf (on)
darauf (on it)
If the preposition starts with a vowel, use dar
What pronoun is formed from preposition
aus (out of)
daraus (out of it)
If the preposition starts with a vowel, use dar
What pronoun is formed from preposition
bei (at)
dabei (at it)
If preposition starts with a consonant, use da
What pronoun is formed from preposition
durch (through)
dadurch (through it)
If preposition starts with a consonant, use da
What pronoun is formed from preposition
für (for)
dafür (for it)
If preposition starts with a consonant, use da
What pronoun is formed from preposition
in (in)
darin (in it)
If preposition starts with a consonant, use da
What pronoun is formed from preposition
mit (with)
damit (with it)
If preposition starts with a consonant, use da
What pronoun is formed from preposition
nach (after)
danach (after it)
If preposition starts with a consonant, use da
What pronoun is formed from preposition
neben (next to)
daneben (next to it)
If preposition starts with a consonant, use da
What pronoun is formed from preposition
über (under)
darüber (over it)
If preposition starts with a vowel, use dar
What pronoun is formed from preposition
unter (under)
darunter (under it)
f preposition starts with a vowel, use dar
What pronoun is formed from preposition
zwischen (between)
dazwischen (between it)
If preposition starts with a consonant, use da
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Please put it on top
Lege es bitte darauf
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I don’t remember it
Ich erinnere mich nicht daran
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He went up the stairs quietly
Er ging die Treppe leise hinauf
hin adds the sense of movement away from the speaker
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She opened the travel bag and put the pants inside
Sie öffnete die Reisetasche und legte die Hose hinein
hin adds the sense of movement away from the speaker
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Finally she found our tent and came in
Endlich fand sie unser Zelt und kam herein
her adds the sense of movement towards the speaker