Comparatives and Superlatives of Adverbs Flashcards
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She runs faster than her brother
Sie läuft schneller als ihr Bruder
To form a comparative adverb in German, add -er
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I see him less often than before
Ich sehe ihn seltener als früher
To form a comparative adverb in German, add -er
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He runs as fast as his brother
Er läuft so schnell wie sein Bruder
To make as … as comparisons use so … wie
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She can’t swim as well as you
Sie kann nicht so gut schwimmen wie du
To make as … as comparisons use so … wie
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The men speak louder and louder
Die Männer sprechen immer lauter
The idea of more and more is expressed using immer
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The faster she drives, the more scared I am.
Je schneller sie fährt, umso mehr Angst habe ich.
The more ….the more can be expressed using je …umso
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I prefer to read crime novels
Am liebsten lese ich Kriminalromane
Gern (well) has an irregular superlative am liebsten
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She won the most
Sie hat am meisten gewonnen
Viel (much) has an irregular superlative am meisten
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Which of them works the fastest?
Wer von ihnen arbeitet am schnellsten
Superlatives of adverbs are formed am + adverb + sten
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It was hottest in southern Spain
Am heißesten war es in Südspanien
Superlatives of adverbs are formed am + adverb + sten
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He made it the slowest
Er hat es am langsamsten gemacht
Superlatives of adverbs are formed am + adverb + sten
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The strawberry ice cream was the most popular with the children
Das Erdbeereis war bei den Kindern am beliebtesten
Adverbs ending in -d, -t, -tz, -z, -sch, -ss, -ß add -esten
Translate to German
very well
Some adverbs show extent of quality
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at the most / best
Some adverbs show extent of quality
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Some adverbs show extent of quality
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at the latest
Some adverbs show extent of quality
Translate to German
at least
Some adverbs show extent of quality
Translate to German
Business is going well
Die Geschäfte gehen bestens
bestens (very well) shows the extent of a quality
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He usually arrives late
Er kommt meistens zu spät an
meistens (mostly) shows the extent of a quality
Translate to German
At least I get more money for it
Wenigstens bekomme ich mehr Geld dafür
wenigstens (at least) shows the extent of a quality
What are the comparatives and superlatives of
gern (well)
lieber (better) / am liebsten (best)
Some adverbs have irregular comparatives and superlatives
What are the comparatives and superlatives of
bald (soon)
eher (sooner) / am ehesten (soonest)
Some adverbs have irregular comparatives and superlatives
What are the comparatives and superlatives of
viel (much)
mehr (more) / am meisten (the most)
Some adverbs have irregular comparatives and superlatives