Verbs followed by the dative case Flashcards
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She gave me a book
Sie gab mir ein Buch
Some verbs have a direct and indirect object
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She told him a story
Sie erzählte ihm eine Geschichte
These verbs are generally giving or telling somebody something
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Will you buy me the book?
Kaufst du mir das Buch?
The normal word order is indirect object, then direct object
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Will you buy it for me?
Kaufst du es mir?
This order is reversed if a direct object pronoun is present
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She offered her the job
Sie bot ihr die Arbeitsstelle an
anbieten takes both direct and indirect object
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Can you bring me one?
Bringst du mir eins?
bringen takes both direct and indirect object
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Can you prove it to me?
Können Sie es mir beweisen?
beweisen takes both direct and indirect object
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I don’t have the necessary money
Mir fehlt das nötige Geld
fehlen takes both direct and indirect object
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Give me that immediately!
Gib mir das sofort!
geben takes both direct and indirect object
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I’m giving her a computer for her birthday
Ich schenke ihr einen Computer zum Geburtstag
schenken takes both direct and indirect object
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Write him a letter
Schreib ihm mal einen Brief
schrieben takes both direct and indirect object
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Show me!
Zeig es mir!
zeigen takes both direct and indirect object
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He met his friend in the city
Er ist seinem Freund in der Stadt begegnet
Some verbs have their object in the dative case
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Whose book is this?
Wem gehört dieses Buch?
Some verbs have a direct and indirect object
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He didn’t want to help her
Er wollte ihr nicht helfen
Some verbs can only be followed by dative, e.g. helfen