Word order with adverbs Flashcards
Where can an adverb go in an English sentence?
I’m never coming home, See you soon!; Suddenly, the phone rang
Where can an adverb go in a German sentence?
Anywhere, but usually close to the word to which they refer
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We are going to the theater tomorrow
Wir gehen morgen ins Theater
The adverb follows the verb to which it refers
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Where do adverbs of time often go?
At the start of a sentence
Morgen gehen wir ins Theater
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Where are adverbs of place located to create emphasis?
At the start of a sentence
Dort haben sie Fußball gespielt
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They play well
Sie spielen gut
In 1 part verbs, the adverb comes after the verb
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They played well today
Sie haben heute gut gespielt
in 2 part verbs, the adverb come before the 2nd part
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You always behave badly
Du benimmst dich immer schlecht
In 1 part verbs, the adverb comes after the verb
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You behaved badly
Du hast dich schlecht benommen
In 2 part verbs, the adverb comes before the 2nd part
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We found our way there easily yesterday
Wir haben gestern gut dorthin gefunden
When more than 1 adverb is present,the order is time; manner; place
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They bought it very cheaply yesterday
Sie haben es gestern sehr billig gekauft
When more than 1 adverb is present,the order is time; manner; place