Prepositions followed by the accusative or the dative Flashcards
Translate to German
The teacher wrote the word on the board
Die Lehrerin schrieb das Wort an die Tafel
an takes the accusative when there is movement
Translate to German
I wrote a letter to my mother
Ich habe einen Brief an meine Mutter geschrieben
an takes the accusative when there is movement
Translate to German
I’m moving to the coast in the summer
Ich ziehe im Sommer an die Küste
an takes the accusative when there is movement
Translate to German
The word was written on the board
Das Wort stand an der Tafel
an takes the dative when it is about position
Translate to German
We’ll meet at the train station
Wir treffen uns am Bahnhof
an takes the dative when it is about position
Translate to German
Please put the soup on the table
Stell die Suppe bitte auf den Tisch
auf takes the accusative when there is movement
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We’re going to the country tomorrow
Wir fahren morgen aufs Land
auf takes the accusative when there is movement
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He glanced at the book
Er warf einen Blick auf das Buch
auf takes the dative when it is about position
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The soup is on the table
Die Suppe steht auf dem Tisch
auf takes the dative when it is about position
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The air is better in the country
Auf dem Land ist die Luft besser
auf takes the dative when it is about position
Translate to German
Stand behind your brother
Stell dich hinter deinen Bruder
hinter takes the accusative when there is movement
Translate to German
She sat behind me
Sie saß hinter mir
hinter takes the dative when it is about position
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She went into the room
Sie ging ins Zimmer
in takes the accusative when there is movement
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He didn’t want to go to school
Er wollte nicht in die Schule gehen
in takes the accusative when there is movement
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What did you do at school today?
Was hast du heute in der Schule gemacht?
in takes the dative when it is about position
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There were many people waiting for him in the room
Im Zimmer warteten viele Leute auf ihn
in takes the dative when it is about position
Translate to German
Put your bike next to mine
Stell dein Rad neben meines
neben takes the accusative when there is movement
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Your bike is next to mine
Dein Rad steht neben meinem
neben takes the dative when it is about position
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Pull the sweater over your head
Zieh den Pullover über deinen Kopf
über takes the accusative when there is movement
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She walked across the field
Sie ging quer über das Feld
über takes the accusative when there is movement
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Airplanes are not allowed to fly over this area
Flugzeuge dürfen nicht über dieses Gebiet fliegen
über takes the accusative when there is movement
Translate to German
We talked about her a lot
Wir haben viel über sie gesprochen
When used for about, über uses accusative
Translate to German
The lamp should hang over the table
Die Lampe soll über den Tisch hängen
über takes the dative when it is about position
Translate to German
She stood under the tree
Sie stellte sich unter den Baum
unter takes the accusative when there is movement
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Put the chair in front of the window
Stell den Stuhl vor das Fenster
unter takes the accusative when there is movement
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In the photo, she was standing in front of the house
Auf dem Foto stand sie vor dem Haus
vor takes the dative when it is about position
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I was there before him
Ich war vor ihm da
vor takes the dative when it is about position
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Turn left at the hospital
Vor dem Krankenhaus links abbiegen
vor takes the dative when it is about position
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He placed it between the two plates.
Er legte es zwischen die beiden Teller
zwischen takes the accusative when there is movement
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The village lies between the mountains.
Das Dorf liegt zwischen den Bergen
zwischen takes the dative when it is about position
Translate to German
I’m counting on you
Ich verlasse mich auf dich
With prepositional objects, the case depends upon the verb
Translate to German
We insist on immediate payment
Wir bestellen auf sofortiger Bezahlen
With prepositional objects, the case depends upon the verb
Translate to German
She believes in her sister
Sie glaubt an ihre Schwester
With prepositional objects, the case depends upon the verb
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He suffers from a fatal illness
Er leidet an einer tödlichen Krankheit
With prepositional objects, the case depends upon the verb
Translate to German
I’m looking forward to the summer holidays
Ich freue mich auf die Sommerferien
With prepositional objects, the case depends upon the verb
Translate to German
He waits for the bus every morning
Er wartet jeden Morgen auf den Bus
With prepositional objects, the case depends upon the verb
Translate to German
This will be credited to you later
Das wird Ihnen später angerechnet
Here anrechenen (to charge for) is a seperable verb
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He put his cap on his head
Er setzte sich die Mütze auf
Here aufsetzen (to put on) is a seperable verb
Translate to German
She crossed the street
Sie hat die Straße überquert
Here überqueren (to cross) is an inseperable verb