Vocab- Funeral Service Ethics Flashcards
That branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct as it applies to business transactions.
Business Ethics
The character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of the duties, obligations and functions of a citizen.
A declaration or public statement of professional standards of right and wrong conduct.
Code of Ethics
To hold certain information in trust and not disclose without proper authorization or authority.
A stage of moral development in which the expectations of the social group (family, community, and nation) are supported and maintained.
Conventional Stage (Kohlberg)
Advice, given as a result of consultation; helping someone else with a problem.
Consists of abstract patterns (the rules, ideas, beliefs shared by members of society) of and for living and dying, which are learned directly or indirectly.
That brach of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.
Ethics (Webster)
The cultural heritage or identity of a group, based on factors such as language or country of origin.
A rule of ethical conduct found in some form in most major religions usually phrased “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Golden Rule
Having a sense of honor, upright and fair dealing.
Fidelity to moral principals.
Rules that govern society.
Refers to the customs, values, and standards of practice of a group, age, or theory intended to be timeless.
Moral (Ethical)
Something, as a reason or desire, acting as a spur to action.
A philosophy that does not focus on the worship of a god or gods.
The set of values, ideas and opinions of an individual or a group.
A stage of moral development in which the individual considers universal moral principals which supersede the authority of a group.
Post-Conventional Stage (Kohlberg)
A stage of moral development in which moral reasoning is based on reward and punishment from those in authority.
Pre-Conventional Stage (Kohlberg)
A stage of moral development in which the individual is characterized as not understanding the rules or feeling a sense or obligation to them. Looking to experience only that which is good or pleasant or to avoid that which is painful.
Pre-Moral Stage (Kohlberg)
A culturally entrenched pattern of behavior made up of: (1) sacred beliefs, (2) emotional feelings accompanying the beliefs, and (3) overt conduct presumably implementing the beliefs and feelings.
Moral principals that vary with circumstances.
Situational Ethics
A belief in a god or gods.
Beliefs that are held in high esteem.