Packet- Transfer of Remains from Residence or Institution Flashcards
The transfer of the deceased from place of death to the funeral home.
- Age of deceased- if infant0 a special carrying case is necessary- you do not necessarily need a first call vehicle.
- Bassinet (adjustible box, handle on top)
- Clean plastic
- Clean towels
- Rubber Gloves
Vehicle- First Call Car- Station Wagon- Hearse- Van
- Hospital
- Private residence
- Other institution
- Other scene of death
- Other funeral home
Location of Remains can be:
- Upright cot
- Clean head block or pillow
- At least 2 clean white sheets
- Flexible (reeves) stretcher
- Towels
- Pouch
- Clean cot cover
- Sanitary Equipment- gloves, cotton towel, deodorant, disinfectant spray, gowns, mask
- Casket wrappers
- Lifting bars
Equipment Necessary for Adult Removal
- Bassinet or carrying case
- Baby blanket
- Small rubber, plastic sheet or pouch
- Sanitary equipment
- Rubber gloves
Infant or Still Born
- Two employees (ideally, usually one if institution)
- Clean, neat appearance
- Conservative dress
- Conformity with local customs and traditions
Policy Concerning Attire of Employees on Removal
Removal of a deceased human being fro a private residence.
Home Removal
- At least two people always
- If three people- a member of the firm should go to the residence in a separate vehicle, preferably the one that will make arrangements.
- Two employees follow, neatly dressed with proper equipment, prepared for anything.
Home Removal Requiements
- Try to get a parking place in front of the reisdence for first call vehicle
- Removal team waits outside with cot ready. They will not enter residence until told by funeral director in charge.
- Funeral director in charge will enter the residence.
Arrival at Residence
- Introduce self to family
- Try to calm family and if possible place them in a room away from the deceased. One family member or designee should stay at all times.
- Check death certificate- if no certificate, get doctor’s name and phone number.
- Determine who the informant is
- Remove wallet, jewelry and valuables in presence of the informant. If possible, have witnessed. Ask for dentures.
- Remove all obstacles from path, pets included. Pick the best enterance/exit route for removal team.
- Signal removal team to enter residence.
Funeral Director in Charge will Enter the Residence and Accomplish the Following:
One holding the primary right of disposition (sign permission to embalm and restorative art, also cremation ID and authorization if applicable)- next of kin, the “boss.”
- The family has a right to stay and witness the removal
- Treat the remains as if it were fragile glass
- Cover the remains with a clean white sheet
- Carefully lift remains onto reeves, strap securely.
- Carry the remains feet first, always keeping the head high (block or pillow).
- Always strip the bed and place all soiled linen in pillowcase.
- Replace all furniture moved during the removal
- Two removal team members guide upright cot to first call vehicle
- First call vehicle and removal team proceeds directly to mortuary.
Procedures for Removal Team Transferring the Deceased from a Private Residence
You should try to encourage them to go to another room (depending on the family.)
The Family has a Right to Stay and Witness the Removal
- Set up time for arrangement conference, if not already done- at family’s convenience
- Ask if they need transportation to funeral home
- Ask the family to bring things to the arrangement conference- printed checklist to leave with the family.
- Sometimes these duties are performed over the telephone.
After Departure of the Removal Vehicle, the Person in Charge Returns to the Residence to:
- Cemetery deed
- Deceased’s social security card (or number)
- Life insurance plans
- Veteran’s discharge papers (DD214)
- Eye glasses
- Recent photo
- Clergy person’s name and phone number, if they have one.
- Clothing
Things for the Family to Bring to the Arrangement Conference:
- Watch sleeve length
- Neck lines
- Non transparent fabric
- Size and color
Examples of this would be from a hospital, nursing home, or the medical examiner’s office.
Institutional Removal
- Ask for designated office, pathology, nursing services, medical records, regitrar, information, securty, etc.
- Find out status of death certificate
- Try to get estimated time the body will be released.
After Taking the First Call, the Person in Charge Should call the Institution and Determine:
- Equipment
- The rear area of the hospitals are not race tracks
- Check all hallways and doorways for best entrance and exit routes
- Sign security register book, check death certificate for accuracy.
- Always carry the remains head high, feet first- be cautious when loading/unloading. Do not slam doors.
- Proceed straight to the funeral home.
Duties of Removal Team when Transferring from an Insitution:
Contains the name of the deceased, time and date of death, funeral home name, your name, attendant’s name, and the time the deceased was released.
Security Register Book
Remains placed on embalming table. Remove wrappings, ties, washed and positioned for embalming. If not embalmed immediately, remains should be covered with a clean white sheet. Do not remove toe tag. Check and Re-check. Make sure the toe tag matches the wrist band.
Proceed Straight to the Funeral Home