deck_6139590 Flashcards
In the Jehovah’s Witness faith, the person who typically conducts the service.
An honorary title conferred upon a Priest.
An excavation in the earth as a place for interment; interment space.
An elevated place or structure on which sacrifices are offered or at which religious rites are performed; in the Cristian faith, a table on which the Eucharist or Holy Communion is offered.
Water blessed by a priest.
Holy Water
In the Roman Catholic faith, a piece of cloth or a medal having religious significance usually worn around the neck.
An area of ground set aside and dedicated for the final disposition of dead human bodies.
A news item concerning the death of a person which usually contains a biographical sketch.
One who has served a prescribed period of time with the armed forces and who is no longer an active member of the armed forces.
Any carrier required by law to convey passengers or freight without refusal if the approved fare or charge is paid (airline, train, etc.).
Common Carrier
An oration praising an individual, usually after death.
Ceremonial instructions of the Mormon Church, given only within a Temple to worthy members of the sect.
Temple of Ordinances
A document indicating the offering of a Mass for a specific intention.
Mass Card (Spiritual Bouquet)
A prescribed order or form of worship specific to a particular denomination which will have the Eucharist or Holy Communion as its central element.
Liturgical (Eucharist Centered) Worship
A subdivision in a cemetery which consists of several graves or interment spaces.
The name given to a member of the Islamic faith.
Moslem (Muslim)
Is to be performed by the minister before the body is moved from place of death. However, due to great distances that may be encountered by the ministers and the dangers of driving around late at night, this service is usually held at the mortuary immediately before the funeral arrangements are made, regardless of whether or not the body has been embalmed. (Usually the body is embalmed). (Buddhism).
Makura-Gyo (Bedside Prayer)
A book signed by those attending a visitation/service.
Memorial Book (Register Book)
In the Islam faith, the funeral or funeral prayer.
The automobile generally used for transporting the uncasketed dead human body from the place of death to the mortuary.
First Call Car (Transfer Vehicle)
A contract which may be terminated by the purchaser at any time prior to the death of the beneficiary with a refund of the monies paid on the contract as prescribed by state law.
Revocable Contract
The movement, in an orderly fashion, at the beginning of service.
Procession (Processional)
In the Roman Catholic faith, a geographical grouping of parishes under the jurisdiction of a Bishop.
In the Jewish faith, a watcher; one who sits with the body until burial.
The officiant who celebrates the Mass in the Roman Catholic Church.
A teacher or ordained leader in the Jewish faith.
The term applied to the completing of the service and financial details of the funeral.
Funeral Arrangements
Funeral arrangements made in advance of need that do not include provisions for funding or prepayment.
Pre-Planned Funeral Arrangements
False teeth.
All the remains of the cremated human body recovered after the completion of the cremation process, including pulverization, which leaves only bone fragments reduced to unidentifiable dimensions and may possibly include the residue of any foreign matter including casket material, bridgework or eyeglasses that were cremated with the human remains sometimes called cremains.
Cremated Remains
A dead human body.
A portable stretcher commonly employed in an ambulance or transfer vehicle for the moving of the sick, injured, or deceased.
A cloth of garment in which a dead person is wrapped or dressed for burial.
A funeral rite that is in essence devoid of religious connotation.
Humanistic Funeral
One who supplies the vital statistic information concerning the deceased.
In the Jewish faith, a seven (7) day mourning period.
Vigil service associated with eastern Orthodox funerals.
Parastas (Great Panachida)
A subordinate officer in a Christian church.
Imitation grass made in mat form and used at the cemetery to cover the earth around the grave.
Artificial Grass
The Buddhist place of worship.
The liturgical celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church.
The reduction of a dead human body to inorganic bone fragments by intense heat in a specifically designed retort or chamber.
A card with the name of the decedent and a prayer or verse, which may or may not include the dates of birth and death.
Prayer Card
A federal agency that administers benefits provided by law for veterans of the armed forces.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) (Previously known as Veterans Administration)
In the Buddhist faith, a service performed as part of casketing the body.
Service of Encasketing
Wings of the main part of the church which may serve as small chapels for baptism, weddings, and even small funeral services.
One where the funeral home guarantees that the services and merchandise will be provided at the time of need for an amount not exceeding the original amount of the contract plus any accruals, regardless of the cost of providing the services and merchandise at the time of the funeral.
Guaranteed Contract
In the Islam faith; the name for God.
A cemetery, or section of a cemetery, with only flush to the ground type markers.
Memorial Park
An unfinished wood box or other non-metal receptacle or enclosure, without ornamentation or a fixed interior lining, which is designated for the encasement of human remains and which is made of fiberboard, pressed-wood, composition materials (with or without an outside covering) or like materials.
Alternative Container
A religious singer who assists the clergy; assists the Rabbi in the Jewish faith; assists the Priest in the Eastern Orthodox faith.
The name of the Buddhist Priest.
The rites held at the time of disposition of human remains, with the body present.
Funeral Service
A letter or form from a Priest stating the eligibility of the deceased for burial in a Roman Catholic Cemetery.
Christian Burial Certificate (Christian Burial Permit, Priest(ly) Lines)
A legal document, issued by a governmental agency, authorizing transportation and/or disposition of a dead human body.
Burial Transit Permit (Disposition Permit)
The Jewish Sabbath; begins at sundown Friday and ends at Sundown Sunday.
One’s relatives: referring to blood relationship (legally, the surviving spouse is not included).
A chamber in a mausoleum, of sufficient size, generally used to contain the casketed remains of a deceased person.
In the Jewish faith, the skull cap worn by the men at the temple services and funeral services.
Kippah (Yarmulke)
In the Jewish faith, a prayer recited for the deceased by the direct mourners (parents, siblings, spouse, children) for the first time at the conclusion or interment service. It is subsequently recited by children for parents at every service for eleven months. All other categories of mourners have the obligation to say this for 30 days.
A building or designated area of a building in which services are conducted.
A religious emblem consisting of two plain bars which intersect at right angles to each other.
Buddhists believe that the soul joins and becomes a buddha here. There is no heaven or hell, just this. Everyone will become enlightened when they die, and exist forever in Eternal Bliss.
Nirvhana (Pure Land)
Disposition of human remains by cremation, without formal viewing, visitation or ceremony with the body present.
Direct Cremation
The act of placing the dead human body in the ground.
Burial (Interment, Inhumement)
In the Roman Catholic faith, a woman who is a member of a religious order, especially one bound by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
Nun (Sister)
Layperson sanctioned to administer holy communion and other assigned tasks.
Eucharistic Minister
One who carries the crucifix/cross during an ecclesiastical procession.
Crucifer (Crossbearer)
The teaching of Guatama Budda is that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by mental and moral self-purification. The place of worship is called Pagoda.
To bury in the ground.
Inter (Inhume)
Leading to an organized departure or inviting to leave.
In the Jewish faith, the grave.
Contract for future funeral services which cannot be terminated or canceled prior to the death of the beneficiary.
Irrevocable Contract
Ritual garments worn by the clergy.
Leader of multiple churches in a particular denomination; in the Roman Catholic faith, the head of a diocese; in the LDS church, Bishop of the ward is leader of a singe church.
In Liturgical churches, stated directions in a prayer book or liturgical manual regarding the order of service as approved by the denomination.
In the Roman Catholic faith, the head of an archdiocese.
Relating to social or religious organization.
One who outlives another person or event.
To accompany, as a leader of the procession or guardian of the group; military personnel assigned to accompany a body following an active duty death.
Funeral rites or burial ceremonies.
Hebrew meaning container; a casket made entirely of wood with no metal parts.
To have the auspicious or favorable time according to the date of birth and date of death of the deceased, along with the surviving spouse or son’s birth date, he then decides the accurate time to put the body into the casket. (Buddhism).
Book of Dates
The holy book of the Islam faith as revealed to Mohammed by the angel Gabriel.
Koran (Quran)
The meeting between the funeral director and the client family during which the funeral arrangements are discussed.
Arrangement Conference
A structure so designated for the temporary storage of bodies which are not to be immediately interred.
Receiving Vault
In the Roman Catholic faith, a sacrament given to those seriously ill or in danger of death to prepare their souls for eternity.
Sacrament of the Sick
Hebrew meaning rending or tearing; a symbol of grief; a tear in the upper corner of the garment or a tear on a symbolic ribbon which is worn by the survivors.
A cemetery created and maintained under an Act of Congress for burial of veterans of military service and their family members.
National Cemetery
A prophet of the Islamic religion born 571 C.E.; considered by Muslims to be God’s messenger but is not worshiped or considered to be divine.
Mohammed (Muhammad)
Is gaining a large following in the United States. This radical, new branch of neo-Buddhism does not follow the more traditional styles of Buddhism. There is no ordained minister; all services are under the supervision of leaders of each group.
Soka Gakkal (Formally known as Nichiren Shoshu or NSA)
An arrangement made by the cemetery whereby funds are set aside, the income from which is used to maintain the cemetery plot indefinitely.
Perpetual Care
Celebrated prior to the Funeral Liturgy, usually at the funeral home on the morning of the Funeral Liturgy preceding the closing of the casket. It may be recited by the family, friends, the minister, priest or funeral director. It may also be combined with the Rite of Final Commendation when necessary adaptations are made.
Rite of Committal
An altar attendant.
Meaning 30 in the Jewish faith; the 30-day mourning period.
A printed list of goods and services offered for sale by funeral provider with retail prices. Considered the keystone of the Funeral Rule.
General Price List (GPL)
The seating or auditorium section of a church.
The procession of vehicles from the place of the funeral to the place of disposition.
Cortege (archaic term) (Funeral Procession)
A public officer whose chief duty is to investigate questionable deaths.
In the Jewish faith, the anniversary of the death.
In the Roman Catholic faith, set of two candles that may be placed one at the head and one at the foot of the casket during visitation period.
Vigil Lights
In the Roman Catholic faith, a prayer or scripture usually held at the funeral home in the evening before the Funeral Mass.
Rosary Service (Vigil, Vigil Service, Wake Service)
A title conferred by ordination.
Time set aside for friends and relatives to pay respect for the deceased prior to the funeral service.
Calling Hours (Visitation, Visiting Hours)
Funeral observances that reflect present day (modern) influences in lieu of (or in addition to or as part of) the traditional ceremonies.
Contemporary Funeral Rite
A kneeling rail.
Kneeler (Pre Dieu, Prayer Rail)
Gift or small sum of money tendered for a service provided.
Gratuity (Tip)
A symbolic cloth placed over the casket.
A form or order of worship which has the scriptures as its central element; the actual form or order of the worship service is left to the discretion of each individual church and/or minister.
Non-Liturgical (Scripture Centered) Worship
In the Eastern Orthodox faith, there short services or blessings that are part of the funeral rite.
Usually a classified notice publicizing the death of a person an giving those details of funeral service that the survivors wish to have published.
Death Notice
The portion of the church surrounding the altar, usually enclosing the clergy; area behind the altar or communion rail.
A general term designating those places suitable for the reception of a dead human body.
The recess or space in a columbarium used for the permanent placing of cremated remains.
Those who transport only in particular instances and only for those they chose to contract with (funeral home vehicles and livery).
Private Carrier
The teaching of Confucius is related to the path or virtuous conduct, moral and ethical principals which regulate individuals and society. The place of worship is the temple.
The burning chamber in a crematory.
A funeral service religious or otherwise, conducted at the grave.
Graveside Service
In the Jewish faith, a hexagram formed by the combination of two triangles. May be called the Jewish Star. It symbolizes a new hope for the Jewish people.
Mogen David (Star of David)
Relating to a social organization.
The part of the church about the altar, inside the chancel; (this term may also be used to describe the area of the church where people sit for the services).
Account established by one individual to be held for the benefit of another; creates a fiduciary responsibility. (As a method of payment of funeral expenses) Money paid to a funeral home or for future services is placed in an account with the funeral home as trustee for the benefit of another.
Trust Account (Trust Funds)
The first two and last two verses of a Buddhist hymn sung at the funeral service.
The entry way into the church.
Foyer (Narthex, Lobby, Vestibule)
The appropriate term for a mass that is celebrated for a deceased person when the body is not present in church. In Roman Catholicism, there is no such term as “Memorial Mass.”
Mass for the Dead
In the Roman Catholic faith, a religious picture of Jesus Christ.
Sacred Heart
One who conducts a religious service or ceremony.
A mystical philosophy, founded by Laotzu, teaching the conformity to the TAO by unassertive action and simplicity. The place of worship is a temple.
In the Church of Christ, Scientist, one authorized to read the lessons and scriptures.
Liturgical celebration of the Eucharist in eastern Orthodox churches.
Divine Liturgy
A funeral rite that is adjusted to the needs and wants of those directly involved; one which has been altered to suit the trends of the times.
Adaptive Funeral Rite
One who actively bears or carries the casket during the funeral service and at the committal service.
Casketbearer (Pallbearer)
In the Roman Catholic faith, the ending portion of the Funeral Mass.
Final Commendation
One in which the funeral home only agrees that the amount prepaid plus any accruals will be credited to the balance due. However, the price of the funeral will be whatever the current price is for the services and merchandise at the time the death occurs.
Non-Guaranteed Contract
The moving of the dead human body from the place of death to the funeral home or other designated place.
First Call (Transfer of Remains, Removal)
A person chosen to conduct religious exercises for the military; the chapel of an institution or fraternal organization.
A pamphlet made available at the funeral service giving details about the deceased and the funeral arrangements.
Memorial Folder (Service Folder)
Prayers recited in order at a Rosary or Vigil Service.
Rosary Prayers
The largest subdivision of a cemetery.
Hebrew meaning “Holy Society”; a group of men or women from the Synagogue who care for the dead; they may be laymen as the “washers”; in the past, took care of all funeral arrangements and preparations for Jewish funerals.
Chevrah Kadisha
The act of placing cremains in an urn. (CANA definition): Act of placing cremated remains in a niche or grave.
The placing of remains in a crypt in a mausoleum.
In the Roman Catholic faith, a candle placed near the casket during the Funeral Mass that signifies the everlasting light of Christ.
Paschal Candle
The religion of Muslims (Moslems) that began at the time of Mohammed; Muslims believe that this stands for purity, peace, submission to God’s (Allah’s) will, and obedience to his laws.
A scheduled assembly of family and friends following a death.
Memorial Gathering
Generally celebrated by the family of the deceased together with a Roman Catholic minister. These rites would rarely be publicized in a death notice and are usually performed during critical moments of the grieving journey. These rites include the Prayer After Death, Gathering in the presence of the body, and Transfer of the body to the church or place of committal.
Related Rites
In the Jewish faith, a memorial service recited four times a year.
Beads and a crucifix used as an aid in the recitation of prayers.
Rosary Beads
Funeral arrangements made in advance of need that include provisions for funding or prepayment.
Pre-Funded Funeral Arrangements
A symbolic sign of the Cross, made with the right hand.
Sign of the Cross
A furnace or retort for cremating dead human bodies; a building that houses a retort.
Crematory (Crematorium)
A branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services which provides benefits for retirement, survivor’s insurance, disability, health insurance, and death.
Social Security Administration
Funeral rites with the body not present.
Memorial Service
A litter, usually of canvas, for carrying disabled or dead persons.
In the Jewish faith, candelabrum with a central stem bearing seven candles, it is the oldest symbol in Judaism.
A cross with a figure or image representing the body of Christ (Corpus).
In the Jewish faith, prayers said before the funeral by a group of friends and the shomer. These prayers come from the book of Psalms.
A commemorative inscription on a tomb or cemetery marker.
In the Eastern Orthodox church, the partition that extends across the front of the church separating the sanctuary from the solea.
Iconostasis (Iconostas, Iconostation)
The appropriate term for the for the worship facility for the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Kingdom Hall
A nominal compensation or recognition for service provided.
Honorarium (Plural: Honoraria, Honorariums)
In the Jewish faith, a memorial service; literally “God full of compassion”; usually the last prayer of the funeral service; sometimes referred to as the Malei.
El Malei Rachamin
In the Eastern Orthodox church, the open area (sometimes raised) before the altar.
Pertaining to the church or clergy.
Doors in the center of the Iconostasis leading directly to the altar: only ordained clergy are to go through these doors; never cross on the solea in front of these doors.
Royal Doors
A prayer shawl worn by men during the mourning prayer services in the Jewish faith.
In the Roman Catholic faith, a man who is a member of a religious order without being ordained or while preparing for ordination.
An abbreviation for the Latin term meaning “Jesus of Nazareth, King of Jews.”
The name of the funeral service in the Roman Catholic Church.
Funeral Liturgy (Funeral Mass)
The local church building: contains no icons, statues, symbols, pews, chairs, or musical instruments.
Masjid (Mosque)
The movement, in an orderly fashion, at the end of a service.
Recession (Recessional)
Any item of service or merchandise described to a purchaser as a “cash advance”, “accommodation”, or similar term. A cash advance item is also any item obtained from a third party and paid for by the funeral provider on the purchaser’s behalf. Cash advanced items may include, but are no limited to: cemetery or crematory services; pallbearers; public transportation; clergy honoria; flowers; musicians or singers; nurses; obituary notices; gratuities and death certificates.
Cash Advance
The act of bending to knee as an indication of reverence or as an act of humility.
The consecrated elements of Holy Communion.
Cards of thanks and recognition sent to friends for kindness shown to a deceased’s family.
Acknowledgement Cards
That portion of the funeral which is conducted at the place of disposition of dead human bodies.
Committal Service
A forensically-trained physician whose duty it is to investigate questionable or unattended death (has replaced the coroner in some states).
Medical Examiner
One of the categories required to be itemized on the GPL (if the funeral provider offers the service). This involves services of the funeral provider in the locale where the death occurs and preparation for the transfer to another funeral provider as selected by the family (consumer). Funeral Rule requires package pricing of this service with a description of the components included.
Forwarding Remains
One having spiritual care over a number of people.
A portable shelter employed to cover the grave area during the committal.
Canopy (Cemetery Tent)
Webbing or similar material used for lowering the casket into the grave.
Grave Straps
One of the categories required to be itemized on the GPL (if the funeral provider offers the service). This involves services of the funeral provider after initial services have been provided by another firm at the locale of death. Funeral Rule requires package pricing of this service with a description of the components included.
Receiving Remains
In the Eastern Orthodox faith, a holy picture; usually mosaic or painted on wood.
In the Jewish faith, a eulogy or true evaluation of the deceased’s life that is a part of the funeral service.
In the Islam faith, the leader of the local congregation.
In the Jewish faith, the burial.
Those appropriate and helpful acts of counseling that come after the funeral.
Aftercare (Post Funeral Follow-up)
A legal copy of the original death certificate.
Certified Copy of a Death Certificate
The collection, tabulation, and interpretation of data concerning birth, marriage, divorce, sickness, and death.
Vital Statistics
A structure, room, or space in a mausoleum or other building containing niches or recesses used to hold cremated remains.
A death has occurred and the funeral director is counseling with the family as they select services and items of merchandise in completing arrangements for the funeral service of their choice.
At Need Counseling
Song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation for the dead.
Friends of the family or members of an organization or group who act as an escort or honor guard for the deceased. They do not carry the casket.
Honorary Casketbearers (Honorary Pallbearers)
The head of the Roman Catholic Church and the Bishop of Rome.
Military personnel assigned to accompany a body following an active duty death.
Military Escort
In the Roman Catholic faith, a dignity conferred upon Bishops making them Princes of the Church.
The first three letters in the Greek word for Jesus.
One who is in charge of the cemetery; the caretaker of a church.
In the Jewish faith, the ceremony of washing the deceased before the burial; serves as a ritual purification or cleansing of the body and should be performed by the Chevra Kaddisha.
A hand-sewn white linen shroud in which the deceased members of the Jewish faith are dressed.
In the Jewish faith, the funeral procession.
A mechanical device used to lower a casket into the ground.
Lowering Device
A legal document containing vital statistic, disposition, and final medical information pertaining to the deceased.
Death Certificate
The building containing crypts or vaults for entombment.
Historically a watch kept over the deceased; an all night vigil.