Unit 3: Movement Flashcards
The brain processes information from outside and internal information and predicts the ___________.
__________ allow the brain to do its function.
Information comes from the _________ neurons and they send __________-.
presynaptic, action potentials
_________ neurons are located primarily in the spinal cord and somewhat in the brainstem.
lower motor neurons
Local circuit neurons manage ____________ integration.
lower motor neuron
Motor neuron pools manage _____________ neurons.
lower motor
When sensory inputs enter the local circuit neurons, it allows ___________ integration. The motor neuron pools release __________ neurons to the _________ muscles.
lower motor neuron, lower motor, skeletal
____________ motor neurons are located primarily in the cerebral cortex.
upper motor
The __________ controls sensory motor coordination.
The _________ controls planning, initiating, and directing voluntary movements.
motor cortex
The _________ control basic movements and postural control.
brainstem centers
The descending systems include the __________ and _________ and __________ motor neurons.
motor cortex, brainstem centers, upper
The ___________ is in charge of gating proper initiation of movement.
basal ganglia
What are the two types of muscle receptors?
golgi tendon organs and muscle spindle receptors
The golgi tendon organs sense ____________.
What are the two types of muscle spindle receptors?
primary sensory endings and secondary sensory endings
primary sensory endings innervate the __________ region of the muscle spindle and sense __________.
central, stretch
secondary sensory endings innervate the thin ends of the ___________ and sense ________ of stretch.
muscle spindle, speed
Lower motor neurons are located in the __________ and ___________.
spinal cord, brainstem
Lower motor neurons located in the brainstem send axons to muscles of the _________.
Lower motor neurons located in the spinal cord send axons to muscles of the ____________.
rest of the body
Each motor neurons innervates multiple muscle fibers, but individual muscles fibers are only innervated by a _________ motor neuron.
Muscles are activated when sensory information enters the spinal cord via the ___________. Motor information then exits the spinal cord via the ___________. Muscles receive neural input from ___________ in the spinal cord, which release __________.
dorsal root, ventral root, motor neurons, acetylcholine (ACh)
____________ refers to the fact that muscles are arranged in opposite pairs with extensors and flexors.
antagonistic pairs
An individual muscle can only generate movement in ________ direction (s).
Biceps and triceps are an example of ____________.
antagonistic pairs
Everything needs to generate a motor movement in response to sensory information is present in the ___________ and ____________.
spinal cord, corresponding body part
To generate a motor movement in response to sensory information, the sensory information enters the spinal cord via the ___________. The information can be conveyed to the __________ within the spinal cord, which send signals out of the spinal cord via the __________ to muscle fibers in order to initiate movement.
dorsal root, motor neurons, ventral root
__________ refers to the fact that there is a complex circuity present in the spinal cord alone resulting in locomotor activity.
fixed action patterns (FAP)
What are the four descending projections from the brainstem to the spinal cord?
tectospinal tract, rubrospinal tract, reticulospinal tract, vestibulospinal tract
The tectospinal tract controls ________ musculature and generates ________ & ___________ movements.
neck, head, eye
The rubrospinal tract controls _______ musculature.
The reticulospinal tract controls __________ and __________ coordination of movement.
temporal, spatial
The reticulospinal tract modulates __________ and __________ outflow to the heart and blood vessels, helping control _________, heart rate, and blood vessel constriction or dilation.
sympathetic, parasympathetic, blood pressure
The reticulospinal tract transmits signals to _________ motor neurons that control muscles involved in breathing.
The vestibulospinal tract mediates _________ and _________, controls _______ and __________ muscles and controls _________ during body movement.
balance, posture, axial, antigravity, eye fixation
The descending projections from the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord make up the __________ tract.
What are the 3 motor cortices?
primary motor cortex, supplementary motor area, and premotor cortex
The __________ motor area is in control of planning movements.