PSYC 210 - Hormones & Sex Flashcards
Sexual Differentiation
Females with Turner’s Syndrome have ____ chromosomes.
Males with Klinefelter syndrome have ___ chromosomes.
Males with Jacob syndrome have ___ chromosomes.
The ______ gene in the Y chromosome is responsible for making the SRY protein, which causes the development of _______.
SRY, testes
_________ masculinizes the reproductive organs and the brain.
A ________ fetus has indifferent gonads, genital tubercle that can form either a clitoris or penis, and Wolffian and Mullerian ducts.
A fetus will develop into a female, unless ____________ occurs at 8 weeks of gestation.
testicular secretions
If the fetus is a male, testosterone develops the _________ duct and masculinizes the genital tubercle. The anti-mullerian hormone causes regression of the mullerian system.
The _________ duct differentiates and develops the male organs while the ________ duct differentiates and develops the female organ.
Wolffian, Mullerian
Mullerian derivates are ______ reproductive organs. As long as there is no male sex hormone, the Mullerian duct will develop into a __________.
female, uterus
Wolffian derivates are _______ reproductive organs. ___________ will cause development of testes.
male, testosterone
If a female fetus does not have _________, the Mullerian duct cannot develop.
By about ___ weeks, the sex of the fetus is clear.
Sexual dimorphism occurs when there is a sexually dimorphic nucleus of the ___________ area.
Males have a __________ medial POA with ________ neurons than females.
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