PSYC 210 - Biological Rhythms Flashcards
The __________ rhythm is a yearly, migratory cycle.
The _________ rhythm is longer than a day, monthly, such as the menstrual cycle.
The __________ rhythm is a cycle that happens every 24 hours, daily, such as the human-sleep-wake cycle.
_________ rhythm is a cycle that happens within a few hours, or a day, such as meals or sleep cycles.
Humans and animals have ________ for biological rhythms.
endogenous clocks
Cues that synchronize biological rhythms
the process of synchronizing an endogenous biological rhythm to the rhythm of an environmental cue
Humans and animals show __________ despite living in a constant light or constant dark environment.
biological rhythms
spontaneous rhythm in environments without changes in lightness
free running rhythm
Human free running circadian rhythm is on average ______ than 24 hours.
With exposure to sunlight during the day and darkness at nighttime, animals and humans express an _________ circadian rhythm.
During constant light or constant dark, animals express a _________ circadian rhythm.
free running
The ______ of the hypothalamus is the master oscillator of biological rhythms.
Individual ______ neurons fire rhythmically in a tissue culture.
Rhythmic SCN neuronal activity is __________.
genetically programmed
________ genes are also found in cells of other organs.
_______ coordinates cells that control the rhythmic occurrence of different physiological events or behaviors (e.g., digestion, blood pressure, sleep).
Lesions of the SCN lead to irregular locomotor activity patterns (_______).Transplant of __________ SCN cells restores the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity.
arrhythmic, embryonic
The SCN gets light cue from the ____________ tract. Light signal is transmitted from a small population of retinal ganglion cells (neurons) to the SCN of the ___________.
retinohypothalamic, hypothalamus
Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells have no image-forming function, but detect _____________ and express ___________, a light-sensitive substance.
brightness, melanopsin
Loss of ipRGCs causes an exhibition of ___________ rhythm because no way to interpret light information.
free running
___% of neurons are retinal ganglion cells.
__% of neurons are ipGRCs that don’t need input, just light.
_________ can be caused by travel, work shifts, or social.
jet lag
Jet lag can be reduced by ____ exposure & intensity, meal _________, and weekend sleep catch up.
light, entrainment
_________ rhythm is formed based on changes in the length of the light cycle throughout the year.
You secrete melatonin longer in the _________.
The ______ gland secretes melatonin at nighttime.
When it becomes dark outside, the pineal gland secretes ______ melatonin.
_____ is involved in circannual rhythm. Male testosterone secretion is inhibited by the large amount of __________ in the winter.
SCN, melatonin
Hamsters engage in more sexual behavior in the summer when melatonin production ____________ because gonads will grow and ___________ hormone production that stimulates sexual behavior.
decrease, increase
Symptoms of winter SAD can be alleviated using ___________ (30 minutes) in the morning.
light exposure
Dark environment in the winter can increase depressive symptoms.
Winter SAD
If the SCN is intact, people can express __________ and _________ rhythm.
free running, entrained circadian
If a person has an intact SCN, but both eyes have lost melanopsin and ipRGC, they cannot show entrained circadian rhythm, but instead ___________ rhythm.
free running
If there are lesions in the SCN only __________ rhythm will be expressed.