Unit 3 - Learning & Memory Flashcards
Process by which experience results in changes in behavior.
internal record of past experiences acquired through learning
What are the two categories of memory?
declarative, nondeclarative
_______ memory is a broad class of memories that can typically be verbalized or explicitly communicated in some other way.
________ memory is a broad class of memory that cannot be verbalized and that are not always consciously accesible.
What are the 4 categories of nondeclarative memory?
skill/motor/procedural, priming, conditioning, and nonassociative
What are the two categories of declarative memory?
episodic, semantic
Everything is _______ the first time it happens to you, but events become _________ after repeated epxosure.
novel, mundane
Through _________, you learn not to respond to particular events.
a decrease in the strength of occurrence of a behavior after repeated exposure to the stimulus that produces that behavior
When examining habituation, researchers use simple examples that often involve a single, easily controlled _________ and a single, easily measurable ________.
stimulus, response
defensive response to a startling stimulus
acoustic startle reflex
an organism’s innate reaction to a novel stimulus.
orienting response
The orienting response can be seen in infants when they are presented with a novel visual stimulus and fixate on it. With repeated presentations, the duration of the fixation will _________.
__________ refers to the fact that habituation to one event does not cause habituation to every other stimulus in the same sensory modality.
stimulus specificity
Habituation is not the result of _______-.
A less arousing stimulus will result in ____________ habituation.
A greater number of presentations of a stimulus creates ______ habituation.
Closely spaced repetitions of a stimulus (massed) creates ________ habituation.
Repeated exposures to a stimulus that are spread out over time (spaced) create a ___________ duration habituation.
phenomenon in which an arousing stimulus leads to stronger responses to a later stimulus
________ presentations of a stimulus are required for habituation than sensitization.
Sensitization is not stimulus specific, so presentation of one stimulus can enhance response of a _______ stimulus.
Habituation and sensitization are both forms of __________ learning.
What are the 2 forms of associative learning?
classical and operant conditioning
Known for developing methods for studying animal learning that are still widespread today (classical conditioning)
Ivan Pavlov
a form of learning in which the organism acquires the expectation that a given stimulus predicts a specific response upcoming important event - also called Pavlovian conditioning
classical conditioning
What are the basic concepts of classical conditioning?
unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response
a cue that has some biological significance and that naturally evokes a response
unconditioned stimulus
the naturally occurring response to an unconditioned stimulus
unconditioned response
In addition to an unconditioned stimulus and response, we need a ________ stimulus that does not elicit the unconditioned response.
During classical conditioning training, the neutral stimulus is paired with the ___________ stimulus.
In classical conditioning training, the ____________ stimulus initially causes the unconditioned response. With repeated pairings, a learned association develops between a _________ stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.
unconditioned, neutral