Unit 3 - Lower Airway Disease and Pneumonia Flashcards
Why is inflammatory disease in cats identified as ‘feline lower airway disease’?
Because it is difficult to distinguish between bronchitis and asthma in cats so it is all just lumped together
What inflammatory airway disease happens in dogs?
chronic bronchitis
What is airflow limitation?
Impedance to air movement in the airways caused by inflammation, secretions, and smooth muscle contraction
Characterize spontaneous bronchoconstriction in chronic bronchitis.
little to no spontaneous bronchoconstriction
Characterize spontaneous bronchoconstriction in feline asthma.
reversible spontaneous bronchoconstriction
What is the signalment for canine chronic bronchitis?
middle-aged to older, small breeds over-represented
What is the signalment for feline asthma and bronchitis?
young to middle-aged adult, siamese is common
What clinical signs are associated with inflammatory airway disease?
chronic cough, expiratory wheezes, and tachypnea at rest
If a patient with one of the inflammatory airway diseases were dyspneic, what kind of dyspnea pattern would you most likely see?
What contributes to airflow limitation on expiration?
Positive thoracic pressures and airway inflammation contribute to airflow limitation
What diagnostics are important for inflammatory airway disease?
CBC, parasite testing, rads (bronchial lung pattern), and TTW, ETW, or BAL (
What parasite can cause ‘feline lower airway disease’?
Aleurostrongylus abstrusus
How do cats get Aleurostrongylus and where do they live?
They ingest L3 larva and adult worms live in terminal bronchioles/alveolar ducts
How is Aleurostrongylus diagnosed?
L1 larvae is ID’d in the airway fluid or feces
How is Aleurostrongylus treated?
mild cases are self-limiting; fenbendazole
What are the classic signs of feline asthma radiographically?
broncho-intersitial lung pattern, pulmonary hyperinflation, and atelectasis of the right middle lung lobe due to mucus plugging
What will you find on bronchoscopy in feline asthma patients?
hyperemia, irregularity, increased mucus, and lower airway collapse
How will the respiratory wash cytology look in cats with bronchitis?
How will the respiratory wash cytology look in cats with asthma?
What is the treatment for lower airway disease?
corticosteroids (tx of choice), bronchodilators (don’t effect inflammation), and +/- cough suppressants (dogs)
What drugs can be used for inhaled therapy of lower airway disease?
fluticasone, albuterol, and others
What are some other treatments for lower airway disease?
weight loss, harness versus collar, and environmental trigger avoidance
What are the treatment goals for lower airway disease?
minimize clinical signs and slow airway remodeling
What type of lower airway disease is eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy?
Interstitial disease