Cardio - Exam Flashcards
What are 3 general pieces of info to gather for a cardio exam?
Signalment, presenting complaint, and history
What things are included in the signalment?
Species, breed, and age-specific diseases
What things are included in the presenting complaint?
Murmur, collapse or exercise intolerance, respiratory signs
What are some things that are included in the history?
- Onset, duration, progression of presenting complaint
- Changes in weight, appetite, thirst, urination/defecation, vomiting
- Coughing/sneezing/respiratory effort/gagging (frequency, character)
- Activity level and any recent changes in activity or endurance, fainting spells, weakness, collapse
- Travel and vaccine history and any concurrent medical conditions
- Diet and meds and supplements (drug, dosage, route, response)
What is cachexia?
Disproportionate loss in muscle mass that is commonly seen in inflammatory conditions
What are DDx for cachexia?
End stage CV disease, neoplasia, renal disease, chronic inflammatory conditions
What are DDx for abdominal distension?
Abdominal fluid (R-CHF), organomegaly, weakened abdominal muscles
What is a fluid wave?
Vibration of fluid palpated on ballotment of moderate to severe abdominal fluid
What are DDx for a fluid wave?
R-CHF (modified transudate), liver dz, PLE/PLN (transudate), neoplasia (mod transudate), trauma, bleeding mass, coagulopathies (hemorrhagic)
What color are normal mucous membranes?
What are DDx for pale MM?
Poor perfusion, peripheral vasoconstriction, anemia
What are DDx for blue/gray (cyanotic) MM?
R to L shunting, pulmonary parenchymal disease (i.e. pulm edema from L-CHF), airway disease, hypoventilation, shock
What is the appearance of “differential cyanosis” and what does it mean?
Pink MM cranially and blue MM caudally - finding in dogs with R to L shunting PDA (reverse PDA)
What is the Dx for brick red or “injected” MM?
early phases of shock
What are the DDx for yellow (icteric) MM?
hemolysis, hepatobiliary disease
What is a CRT of 0-1 seconds?
Early, hyperdynamic phase of shock
What is a CRT of 2 seconds?
What is a CRT of 3+ seconds?
poor perfusion
What is peripheral pitting edema?
Edema (fluid in the tissues) in the ventral extremities or ventral thorax/abdomen
(When you push your thumb into edematous areas it leaves an imprint)
What are DDx for peripheral pitting edema?
R-CHF (uncommon); more common in horses and cattle
Non-cardiac = hypoalbuminemia, renal disease (rare)
What is palpation of the precordium?
Palpating the heartbeat on the chest wall
Where is the precordium normally felt the strongest?
L hemithorax
What does it mean if the precordium is felt strongest on the right?
R heart enlargement
(Can also be mass lesions displacing the heart, collapsed lung lobes that displace the heart, or focal accumulations or air or fluid)
What does it mean if the precordium is the same strength on the L as it is on the R?
R and L heart enlargement
What does it mean if the precordium has decreased intensity?
Weak cardiac contractions, pericardial or pleural effusion
(Can also be due to obesity, thoracic masses, or pneumothorax)
What is a precordial thrill?
Palpable fine vibrations of a murmur on the chest wall;
May be palpated in patients with very loud murmurs (grade V or VI)
What are the 2 parts of the end of the stethoscope?
Bell and diaphragm
What is the bell for?
Best for listening to low frequency sounds (heart sounds and gallops)
What is the diaphragm best used for?
Listening to high frequency sounds (murmurs and clicks)
What are transient heart sounds?
Short sounds that may be caused by normally auscultated heart sounds (S1, S2), gallops (S3, S4), or abnormal valve movement (mid-systolic clicks).
What are the systolic sounds?
S1 and S2, mid-systolic click
What causes S1?
Closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves - abrupt deceleration of blood flow resulting in vibrations of the cardiac walls and blood
What does S1 sound like compared to S2?
S1 is longer and lower pitched
Where is S1 best heard?
Over the mitral valve
What causes S2?
Closure of aortic and pulmonic valves
Where is S2 best heard?
Over the aortic area
What is a mid-systolic click due to?
Prolapse of the mitral or tricuspid valve
Where is a mid-systolic click best heard?
Over the mitral or tricuspid valve
What is a split S1?
Asynchronous closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves due to abnormal conduction (R bundle branch block, VPCs), or can sometimes be normal in very large dogs
What is a split S2?
Can occur due to asynchronous closure of the pulmonic and aortic valves (pulm hypertension, arrhythmias, bundle branch blocks).
What condition are systolic clicks most commonly heard with and what valve is affected?
Early DMVD (before overt regurgitation); occasionally affects the tricuspid valve
What are the diastolic sounds?
S3 and S4
What causes S3?
Vibrations in the heart wall associated with rapid ventricular filling; can be normal in LA
What causes S4?
Atrial contraction; is also normal in LA
When can an S3 gallop be heard in dogs and cats?
When the ventricles are very dilated (i.e. DCM)
When is an S4 gallop heard in dogs and cats?
With thickened, stiff, ventricles (i.e. HCM); heard during contraction or dilated atria