Infectious Dz - Vaccines Flashcards
What is the goal of the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) vaccination guidelines?
to reduce total vaccination over the lifetime of the cat
What is the role of the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Guidelines in veterinary medicine?
To provide a standard of professional practice but acknowledge that veterinarians have latitude to deviate depending on individual situation
What are AAHA’s recommended core canine vaccines?
Canine distemper virus, Canine parvovirus type 2, Canine adenovirus type 2, and rabies
When should the distemper/parvo/adenovirus start in dogs and what is the protocol?
Initial puppy series starts after 6 weeks of age and is boostered every 3-4 weeks. They need at least 2 vaccinations after 12 weeks of age
When should the distemper/parvo/adenovirus vaccination in dogs be boostered?
No later than 1 year after completion of the puppy series and revaccinate every 3 years thereafter
When should the rabies vaccination be given in dogs? Boostered?
1 dose given at 12 weeks or greater in age
Booster 365 days or less with a 3 year licensed product
Non-core vaccination use should be based on what?
Risk assessment - lifestyle, geography, risk of exposure, and life-stage
What are the non-core vaccinations for the dog?
Canine parainfluenza virus, Bordatella, Leptospira, Borrelia burgdorferi, Canine influenza vaccine (H3N8 and H3N2), Crotalus atrox toxoid, canine oral melanoma, canine corona virus, and measles
What does the Crotalus atrox toxoid protect against?
The Western diamondback rattlesnake
When is the canine oral melanoma vaccine used?
as a treatment, not as a preventative
What non-core canine vaccination is currently not recommended?
The canine corona virus
What is the measles vaccination made out of?
the human measles virus
When can the measles vaccination be given in dogs?
As young as 6 weeks, but heterotypic immunity may not last past 16 weeks
given IM
What non-core vaccinations are commonly used in the primary care section at ISU?
Leptospira (considered a core vaccine), Bordetella, and Lyme
When can the Lepto vaccination be given? Boostered?
It can be given after 12 weeks of age, boostered 2-4 weeks later, and then annually