UNDS: Setting Goals for Success Flashcards
one of the most renowned psychologist. He has made significant contributions to all branches of psychology.
Albert Bandura
Self-Efficacy Theory is part of his Social Cognitive Theory (or Social Learning Theory) which is a fundamental to positive psychology.
Albert Bandura
(t or f)
Students with high self-efficacy may more likely to challenge themselves with difficult tasks and be highly motivated to achieve the task. They put high degree of effort and will do everything in their power to meet their commitments.
Every experience is not always positive outcome. It may also bring failure. This experience’s will help us build resilience thru treating failure as learning opportunity and chance to reach our goal with different approach.
Mastery Experience
Observing those who practice high self-efficacy in their lives and who have reached their goals despite hardships can provide great motivation to a person.
Bandura notes that it is necessary to draw role-models from one’s own social surroundings. In this age, internet and social media can be big source of employing role-models.
Social Modeling
It is about finding the right mentor. Social Persuasion is about having other’s (role model) | directly influence one’s self-efficacy by providing opportunities to master experience.
These social persuasion may are mentors that are knowledgeable and
practices what they preach.
Social Persuasion
Our own emotions, moods and physical state can influence our interpretation of self-efficacy. Having feeling of tension, anxiety and weariness can lower our self-efficacy. Positive emotion can help build positive insight for high self-efficacy to a person.
States of Physiology
proposed that people hold for the nature and the cause of intelligence have several implications, specifically the way the person motivates himself to learn and practice.
is a term used by Dweck to explain the assumptions, methods, or notations held by one or more people or group of people. It represents the cognitive processes activated in response to a given task.
two kinds of mindset
(or the Incremental mindset), where people believe that training and an effort to learn can change one’s qualities and traits.
Growth Mindset
(before termed as entity mindset) is an innate or in-born personality of a person. It is basically “who you are”, how God made you.
Fixed mindset
one of the main ingredient for a person to succeed. It is a powerful way of motivating people and motivating yourself.
Goal Setting Theory
pioneers a research in 1960s’ about setting goals. This theory was more known to work or industrial setting, much from where the SMART goal originated.
Dr. Edwin Locke
It was also then after several years he collaborated with______________ to a seminal work “A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance.
Dr. Gary Latham
states that there is a relationship between how difficult and specific a goal was and the people’s performance task. He found that specific and difficult goals led to better task performance than vague or easy goals.
Goal Setting Theory
is less effective than phrases such as “Try to get more than 80% correct” or “Try beating your best score”
Having goal that is too easy is not motivating force than hard and specific goals.
“Try Hard” or “Do your best”
Five Principles of Goal Setting
Clear, measurable and unambiguous (specific) goals.
Five Principles of Goal Setting
-Set a level of challenge to beat yourself with.
Five Principles of Goal Setting
Listen to feedback from people to provide opportunities to clarify expectations, adjust goal difficulty and gain recognition.
Five Principles of Goal Setting
The more harder the goal, the more commitment is required.
Five Principles of Goal Setting
- The more complicated and demanding the role would give high level of motivation to a person.
Task Complexity