CPHM: Community Assessment / Community Health Project Flashcards
Three phases of the planning process
- Preparatory Phase
- Planning Phase
- Output
Two objects of the planning process
- Planning for the programs and services
- Planning for projects
- A consolidated health program plan
One single output
a collaborative partnership gathers information on the current strengths, concerns, and conditions of children, families, and the community.
Community Assessment
(t or f)
The information comes from many sources – especially parents and family members – and is elicited by many techniques, including interviews, focus groups, and scanning demographic data collected by local agencies.
focus on local assets, resources and activities as well as gaps, barriers or emerging needs. The process of identifying and appraising this information will help your collaborative partnershi
Community assessment
Community Assessment Process
the community to locate existing information
Community Assessment Process
a family focus
Community Assessment Process
community assets and the degree to which
they are accessible to the people who can benefit from
Community Assessment Process
the information obtained through the first
three steps.
series of coordinated related multiple projects that over extended time intended to achive a goal
comprised of multiple projects and is created to obtain broad organizational or technical objectives
Has specific time, cost performance requirements
Usually the involvement of several departments and professionals
üHas a defined life span with a beginning and an end
Has an established and specific objective
an essential part of deciding what issue or problem the project will address.
Clarifying need
It provides an opportunity for the community to become involved in the planning from the beginning.
Ithelpswithallocatingresourcesandmakingdecisions about where to start with health promotion work.
’ is used to describe a process of collecting information that will give a good indication of the priority needs of a community.
needs assessment
(t or f)
When undertaking a needs assessment, it is important to consider that needs will be thought of differently, depending on whom you consult.
Needs are sometimes classified as:
– Normative needs
– Felt needs
– Expressed needs
– Comparative needs
(t or f)
Sharing the results of the needs assessment with the community is a key part of the planning process.
Some of the information gathered during the needs assessment may be able to be uses as _______________
baseline data
describe the situation or condition at the time the project or intervention starts.
Baseline data
(t or f)
Data collected later during the evaluation is then compared against the baseline data to see the effect of the project.
(t or f)
• At the end of Step 1, the project team will have a list of major issues and potential target groups for the project.
• There are always competing needs or issues in any community.
(t or f)
• Limitations such as time and resources mean that not everything can get addressed.
• Issues will need to be prioritized. Needs and priorities vary from individual to individual, family to family, group to group
It is important to work out________ to sort out which issue the project will address.
Analysis of those who participated in the circumstances that surround the problem through focus group discussion (Participant’s Analysis)
– Construct a problem tree illustrating the direct and the underlying causes of the problem
– Provide estimates (evidence-based) on the nature and extent of each cause through the use of indicators.
2 Method of Health Problem Analysis
QualitativeMethod and QuantitativeMethod
3 Method to analyze causes
• VectorDiagram
• CauseandEffecttree
sorts possible causes into various categories that branch off from the original problem.
• Or fishbone
methodology to systematically identify the possible contributory factors that led to the formation of a health problem
The Problem Tree – The What and the How-to
are any aspect of behavior, society or the environment that are directly linked to the health problem. Risk factors lead to or directly cause the problem. Note that some risk factors can be charged, while others are not able to be modified, for example, family history of a condition.
Risk factors
(t or f)
example of risk factors:
– Eating high fat food (behavioral) and having a family history of heart disease (biological) are both risk factors for heart disease, People can change their food choices (modifiable) but not their genetics (non-modifiable)
– Direct exposure to bacteria to bacteria and germs (environmental) may be a risk factor for diarrhea
need to relate to the underlying causes or issues.
the goal and objectives of a project
(t or f)
Addressing a problem successfully will require the project to focus on the underlying causes or issues that led to the problem in the first place.
(t or f)
Developing a clear and organized goal and objectives that relate to each other requires some critical analysis of the problem.
are any aspects of behavior, society or the environment that leads to the risk factors developing.
contributing factors
enable or reinforce the risk factors. They can relate to individual, financial, political, educational, environmental, or other issues
contributing factors
(t or f)
• Examplesofcontributingfactors:
– Lack of knowledge about low fat diets (educational) and high cost of low-fat foods in the store (financial) are both
– Poor housing condition (environmental) and lack of home hygiene (behavioral) are both contributing factors to the risk factor’ exposure to bacteria and germs’
The ______ is about making changes to the risk factors addressed by project
• The ____ indicates what the planned, longer term outcome of the project is
• It is also intended to inspire, motivate and focus people and encourage team cooperation.
state what changes the project will make to the contributing factors.
indicate what the impact will be on the contributing factors during the
time frame of the project.
are about what has to change in the short term to get closer to achieving the project goal.
(t or f)
A well written ‘goal and objectives’ state who will achieve how much of what by when. Developing a clear, achievable goal and objectives requires good baseline data.
describe what it is that the project team will do to try and make the changes required to achieve the objectives.
(true of false)
Relationship between the goal, objectives and strategies
– The process for planning a project begins with the big picture (issue of problem). It is an analysis of the big picture issue that gives the framework for developing the plan- from the longer term goal, to more specific objectives, down to the actual strategies, and finally the detail of individual actions.
includes all the specific activities, large and small, that will need to be done to implement each of these activities, when they will be completed and how they will be evaluated.
action plan
(t or f)
The more detail that is worked out for strategies, the easier it will be to accurately identify all the activities to be done.
(t or f)
• If the project is large, with many stages, it may not be possible to detail all the specific activities at the beginning of the project.
• Detailed documentation is also important for maintaining accountability within the team and between the team and the community or funding agency.
will also list the resources required to do the project successfully. Resources will be required throughout the whole project, from needs assessment through putting strategies into action to final report writing.
action plan
can include human resources, financial resources, materials, equipment and venues.
means thinking of ways to keep the project (or important parts of it) going after its official end. It then becomes an ongoing part of community activity.
Planning for sustainability
(t or f)
Many factors can threaten sustainability of the project. Project teams need to be on the lookout for these factors and have a plan for dealing with them. Sustainability needs to be considered from the initial planning stages of a project.
is about looking critically at what is happening in the project and making a judgment about its value, worth or benefit (see the word value in evaluate).
Evaluating a project
(t or f)
Evaluation is important because it can tell us:
– How the project is going
– What effect it is having
– What changes we need to make to improve it
Major steps in Planning, Sustaining and Evaluating a Health Promotion Project
2.Prioritizetheissuesorhealthproblemstoidentifytheonethattheproject will address
5. Determinewhatstrategieswillbe
6. Developtheactionplanfortheproject
8. Evaluatetheproject